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800 Results from /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Alternative Finance: A Paradigm Shift In Financial Services

Alternative Finance is a new phenomenon, and it is taking the world by storm. With over 1,250 crowdfunding platforms worldwide, this new model of collaborative funding is breaking boundaries and defying the status quo as to how issuers source capital. While alternative finance is primarily known for crowdfunding and P2P lending there are entire ass...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Got cash? Invest in a 'start-up'!

Did you know that in the first 6 months of 2015, Indian startups have raised $3.5 Bn ? Almost every other day a new startup idea is funded. The sheer numbers, the ideas and innovations will blow your mind away! Interestingly, as I read through the list of funded startups, I recognized that they were all pointed solutions to a specific customer nee...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Learn to disrupt. Less Er-ntrepreneur, more Entrepreneur

At the Fintech Private Equity and Venture Capital days I've attended in London recently I see pitch after pitch after pitch from aspiring Entrepreneurs but with so much Me-Too competition emerging in the Fintech space investment teams need to be able to quickly establish whether or not they believe a start up is clearly differentiated enough to be...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why EU start ups get a bad deal

The digital start up culture of the US has long been lauded as the benchmark for the EU to aspire towards creating. However the cultural and financial differences between the EU and US are vast, contributing to the perceptible dominance of the US start-up scene. For instance the EU has not yet been able to create a single Internet company, which i...


Duena Blomstrom

Duena Blomstrom Knower at Duena Blomstrom Consulting

FinTechS - What's in a name?

A while ago on Twitter I confessed the term "FinTechS" irks me. The plural. It's a new phenomenon and maybe we are just using it to be hipsterishly "in" but there is something about it that grates me to no end. Instinctively it seemed derogatory, too broad, condescending and in the middle of the Great Digital Debate we didn't n...

/retail /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The new Innovative Finance ISA will transform crowdfunding

The budget yesterday carried one absolute jewel, namely that an ‘Innovative Finance ISA’ will be launched next year in time for April. With the following hallowed words Mr Osborne has transformed crowdfunding: ‘The Government will introduce the innovative finance ISA, for loans arranged via a P2P platform, from 6 April 2016 and has published a pub...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Package paradise or drone dystopia?

Not too long ago, Jeff Bezos sparked a tidal wave of controversy when he spoke of the potential of Amazon's 'Prime Air' drone delivery service. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, for packages below 5 pounds ((about 2 Kg) around 86% of Amazon's current deliveries) and with delivery destinations within 30 minutes - Amazon's drone army wil...


Duena Blomstrom

Duena Blomstrom Knower at Duena Blomstrom Consulting

An Open Letter to the Challenger Bank

Preface: Several tens of Challenger Banks are coming to change the Financial Services landscape in the UK. If you’re a banking consumer that is not in our oh-so-controversial Financial Services industry but are counting the days till all these new Challenger banks in the UK hit the market so you can finally have the experience you deserve when y


Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

This journey ends with a brief goodbye...but not for long

There are times and dates in your life when you look back and think – yes, that was when my life did a pivot. When you feel your world turn and find yourself facing a new and sometimes scary direction. I’m not talking about dates you plan and know in advance – like when you graduate from university or get married – but dates that take you by surpri...


Abhishek Chatterjee

Abhishek Chatterjee Managing Partner at Gartner Inc.

Digital Value Chain - Avoiding Law of Diminishing Returns

Modern society is consuming digital services like never before and if this trend continues we will be digitally overwhelmed & fatigued society very soon. There is an insatiable desire to digitize every experience, product, service and business. In such society it is common to have at least 5-6 smart devices in a family - smart phone, smart wri...

/startups Financial Services Regulation

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