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334 Results from /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Standards Forum Flight 12: You are cleared for take-off.

Here we go again. Time to get your geek on. In Forums past we’ve talked endlessly about ISO 20022, explaining what it is, what it isn’t… we’ve argued for adoption where it makes sense, and perhaps sometimes (in hindsight) where it didn’t necessarily make the most sense… but we argued anyway because deep down we know it’s the right thing to do! Wi...

/sibos Standards Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Security in the Finance Sector: Who’s Role Is It Anyway?

Despite increasing regulations across the finance sector globally, fraud and associated risks continue to increase—and at a staggering pace. Thomson Reuters was recently quoted as saying, “Increased regulation isn’t just a temporary challenge for global financial institutions—it’s the new reality.” And, the cost of compliance is on the rise. A rec...

/security /sibos

Craig Ramsey

Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide

When Immediate Payments Go Bad

“I want it now.” Sounds like a petulant teenager, doesn’t it? But actually, it’s the sound of consumers and corporations around the world demanding immediate payments solutions. While immediate payments are already mature in some markets, in others they are still maturing, and for some countries, they are not even in the plans yet. But one thing...

/payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos

Penny Hembrow

Penny Hembrow Global Lead, Financial Services at CGI

Global Bank Disruption and Potential Counter Strategies: Moving from 'Keep Up' to 'Step Up'

In the past year or two, the pace of change has accelerated rapidly in the transaction banking industry. Disruption to business models is not far behind what we see taking place in retail banking, as competition increases, new market entrants move into traditional banking areas, such as FX and payments, and out-innovate their traditional banking p...


Paul Miserez

Paul Miserez Standards Department at SWIFT

Making ISO 20022 work for you: deployment harmonisation

We at SWIFT would like to hear about your ISO 20022 plans, experiences and questions. Leading up to Sibos, we are publishing a series of weekly blogs on Finextra called "Making ISO 20022 work for you", each focusing on a specific ISO 20022 business case and implementation aspect. All blogs will end with an open-ended question. The purpos...

/regulation /sibos Standards Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

KYC: Getting the green light to transact

Banks, buysides and corporates are all squaring up to the demands of KYC. One thing they all have in common is the tussle between gathering accurate information and trade execution. Whether it’s creating a new account or trading in a different jurisdiction, there’s a do not pass go unless compliance checks are complete. The challenge to getting th...

/regulation /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 


An old journalist buddy of mine once confessed to me that he only had three basic story outlines; and for each article he wrote he simply had to pick the most appropriate one and modify to suit. As I sat down to think about this piece I can emphasize with my friend. There’s only so many ways one can say STP-is-a-good-thing. There’s only so many w...

/sibos Standards Forum

Paul Miserez

Paul Miserez Standards Department at SWIFT

Making ISO 20022 work for you: have you already defined your ISO 20022 implementation strategy?

We at SWIFT would like to hear about your ISO 20022 plans, experiences and questions. Leading up to Sibos, we are publishing a series of weekly blogs on Finextra called "Making ISO 20022 work for you", each focusing on a specific ISO 20022 business case and implementation aspect. All blogs will end with an open-ended question. The purpos...

/sibos Standards Forum

Paul Miserez

Paul Miserez Standards Department at SWIFT

Making ISO 20022 work for you: new services

We at SWIFT would like to hear about your ISO 20022 plans, experiences and questions. Leading up to Sibos, we are publishing a series of weekly blogs on Finextra called "Making ISO 20022 work for you", each focusing on a specific ISO 20022 business case and implementation aspect. All blogs will end with an open-ended question. The purpos...

/sibos Standards Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Simplifying KYC in short order

KYC processes aren’t a competitive differentiator but they are critical processes. However firms are rapidly coming to the conclusion that KYC processes aren’t best done bilaterally. This shift is liberating for organisations seeking a better way. There are a multitude of challenges to streamlining KYC. Firstly, firms have traditionally allocated m...

/regulation /sibos

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