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334 Results from /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is SWIFT doing enough? Is it evolving at enough pace?

SWIFT decided to move to XML standards in year 1999. Since then, we have been hearing about MX standards (XML based). In all SWIFT presentations I have seen so far, I always hear about MX messages. SWIFT also maintains and releases MX standards every year. I always get a message that SWIFT will finally be moving everything to MX, but I never get ...

/sibos SWIFT Matters

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Life after Swift

Belatedly proving that there is life after Swift, the banking co-operative's former head of securities James Donovan has landed a new role at US self-regulatory authority Finra. In his new job, Donovan will take charge of Finra's corporate technology and strategy, and will also be responsible for registration and disclosure, market transparency fa...

/sibos /wholesale Where are they now?

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Oh Vienna

As you probably know, the annual Swift bash is taking place in September and as you might expect Finextra will be shipping out a crack team for on-the-spot coverage of key issues, events and the inevitable late night parties. If you're going you're probably about to book flights and the like and plan your week, hence the launch of our now traditio...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Buy Side OTC operational improvements : A Project for 2008?

Research just out from Tabb estimating that banks will spend $70 million on automating OTC derivatives processing this year is welcome, yet it’s still a fraction of what really needs to be spent. Even if many of the big sell-side firms have invested heavily, there remain so many counterparties who have yet to even recognise that it is relevant to...

/sibos Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

You could be knee deep in alpha - and not know it!

I am usually surprised by the almost manic attention given to alpha these days. That may sound trite in present financial circumstances, although volatility in the markets is the mother of invention and therefore competitive alpha. But it seems to me that scratching about in the field for a few basis points to outstrip your competitor's alpha pe...

/sibos /wholesale Hedge Fund Technology

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

Stick, TWIST or Buy..? Oh dear, BUST..!

First of all, credit where credit is due - the title concept is attributable to one of my colleagues, not me - thank you Howard! Yesterday evening we attended a lively Financial Services Club session of the Supply Chain Management Forum focus group chaired by Eric Sepkes. The guest speaker was Shaun Maine, who happens to be Chairman of the TWIST Te...

/payments /sibos Financial Supply Chain

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

45 Shopping Days to SEPA..!

Depending on your local bank/public holidays, there are just 45 business days to "SEPA Day"..! I can't help wondering just how "SEPA-ready" banks and corporates really are with effectively just 9 weeks to "LIVE" date to go..? SEPA may not be as big a deal as the Euro and Y2K in terms of the consequences of not being re...

/payments /sibos SEPA and European Payments

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

Can You Have Your Corporate Cake and Eat It?

The subject of “Innovation in Financial Services” seems to highlight a real and present danger that many senior bankers are struggling with... i.e. how to achieve the “plumbing” and innovate simultaneously, in particular around the corporate financial supply chain... Did you make it to SIBOS this year? Well, the good news was that SIBOS focused a ...

/payments /sibos Financial Supply Chain

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

The Distribution Dilemma

Hmmm... I wondered whether it was worth blogging about anything other than MiFID this week... but then decided that perhaps someone might want to read about something else..? Anyway, I finished my previous blog on the funds distribution topic with Tim Keaney’s (co-CEO at BNY Mellon Asset Servicing) statement at SIBOS that “more than 80% of the tra...

/sibos Trends in Financial Services

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

How Fickle We Are With Funds

No, I’m not suggesting we are careless or eclectic with our money! Or, are we sometimes – in a way..? I was part of the packed audience in Room 210 at one of the opening sessions, on the Monday morning of SIBOS this year, entitled: The 21st century funds industry: What are the critical success factors? The assembled panel of experts was worthy of t...

/sibos Trends in Financial Services

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