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334 Results from /sibos

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Predictability of revenue

Building trust, both internally and externally, is the mantra of the asset management community today. What does this mean? For any initiative more reporting and more cross checking. As the community welcomes the opportunity to provide the right products at the right price. The challenge (which is often overlooked) – can we bill for these prod...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Stimulus for Road Construction? How about Payments!

Living in the Chicago area, I've spent my fair share of time in traffic congestion trying to get to the airport. (Anyone familiar with Chicago ORD will also know that finding a plane that leaves on time is another challenge - but that's a different story). Chicago is known for having only two seasons - winter, and construction season. This past ...

/payments /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Basel III - Driving Mergers and Acquisitions

Despite uncertainty around Basel III – specifically whether banks will have enough capital, and issues regarding their risk and exposure, the legislation doesn’t seem to be as onerous for banks as once thought. And what’s more, it actually has the potential to increase M&A activity in the financial sector. The recent stress tests, conducted to...

/regulation /sibos Innovation in Financial Services

George Ravich

George Ravich President at Ravco Marketing, LLC

Transaction banking: monetising the data goldmine

Lowly transaction banking – that backwater business that revolves around processing transactions –has only recently begun to receive proper recognition as a major contributor to the bottom line. Having produced steady growth and profits throughout the past several years it may just become a strategic asset for banks. With low risk and high return

/payments /sibos Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What if banks were really fined based on income?

Thanks to Ian Wigman for this gem from WIRED magazine. A man in Switzerland was recently fined a record $290,000 for driving 85 mph in a 50 mph limit. (It was less before he pleaded his case!) The reason being in 2002 the Swiss replaced prison sentences for some offenses, with fines based on income. The driver in question has a reputed income o...

/regulation /sibos Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Payment Screening in the Cloud

This week RBS found the spotlight in an unenviable way when it was fined GBP 5.6M by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) for insufficient controls over payments screening processes. According to news articles, the list of transgressions include a breakdown of manual procedures and also inadequate technology functionality. Regulators in the UK ...

/payments /sibos

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

What do you want from us? ... at Sibos

As the Summer sings its siren song, our thoughts at Finextra HQ inevitably flow to Sibos (this year in Amsterdam!). While I'm anticipating my first Sibos where I'm not overwhelmingly jet lagged for the entire week, we at Finextra are busy deciding how to deck out our very first stand (Stand number A519). Seasoned conference attendees are well verse...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SEPA: The Future is Integration Management

It’s not quite so fashionable to talk about SEPA these days. After all – aren’t we all wishing the rules and solutions were are all defined and implemented? But there’s still a fundamental challenge that banks (and corporate treasuries) face: integration among both legacy formats and legacy systems. Payments hubs are still often discussed as a sol...

/payments /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Client Money Risk and the need for process transparency

The banking and financial service industry is under ever increasing scrutiny from the regulators. Under the microscope are the banking practices and procedures that affect virtually every area of the industry and every role. There is a regulatory expectation, and in many cases, a requirement to create transparency, prove controls and procedures a...

/regulation /sibos Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Language of Process

How does your organization describe business processes? Few organizations can claim that they do so in a language all employees understand. If your employees find business process descriptions can they be 100% confident that they are reading the current and approved version? In this blog Mike Gammage argues that process notation is now a strategi...

/regulation /sibos

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