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334 Results from /sibos

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Can Africa learn lessons from SEPA?

It's very interesting to see that Southern Africa plans a SEPA-style payments harmonisation, and that they consider that learning from the experience in Europe could be very useful. Something that immediately springs to mind is to treat self-regulation with caution. In Europe, we are now actively seeking regulatory intervention to set an end date ...

/payments /sibos

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Sibos 2010: It's all about regulation, trust and recovery...

This week we have witnessed the financial services industry head in droves to Amsterdam for the annual Sibos event. This year, I expect that there will be three key themes shaping the event: Regulation, Rebuilding Trust and Recovery. The aftermath of the financial crisis brought in a cost savings and optimisation era and payments systems have also ...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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Swift’s message yesterday morning at the Innovation opening keynote was clear. This week all our problems will be solved. They were referring to banking and IT problems of course, otherwise we’d be here a bit longer. Cloud computing, mobile and smart data are the main topics but through The Long Now initiative, topics such as sustainability are al...


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Throughout everything, reliability is what counts

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been running a short poll on the ACI website to ask peoples’ views on payment systems in advance of Sibos, and the results are now in. We asked respondents what is the most crucial element of a payments system, and interestingly only three percent identified the ability to generate revenue, and six percent poi...

/payments /sibos

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Sibos - What's all the chitty chatter about?

As the the first day of Sibos draws to a close and it’s time for delegates and exhibitors to pack their bags and head off for the sights and sounds of Amsterdam. But, before my hard working colleagues on the SunGard booth go off and we don’t see them again until 08:00am Tuesday morning, we have time to reflect on the day’s discussions. With more th...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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Sibos 2010: recovery

It's Monday morning and everything is really getting started. Every last t has been crossed and i dotted. With that in mind, there is just time to take a look at the third and final theme that delegates will be discussing in Amsterdam - recovery - and how payments can play their role in achieving this. The economic crisis that started in 2007 and ...

/payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos

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U.S. Presidential Report Extends Uncertainty for Money Funds

The President’s Working Group on Financial Reform issued an unusually inconclusive report on Money Market Mutual Funds. Published thirteen months after it was originally expected, the report simply encourages the newly formed Financial Services Oversight Committee to take up the matter. Treasury Strategies partner, Anthony J. Carfang, notes that

/payments /sibos Financial Services Regulation

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Sibos 2010: rebuilding trust

In yesterday’s blog, I focused on what regulation means for the payments industry. This time it is another of the key themes being discussed at Sibos that takes the focus: rebuilding trust. The breakdown of confidence in the wholesale banking market has created a significant customer funding gap in many countries. While banks look to lower costs, t...

/payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos

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Sibos 2010: regulation

The global financial industry is only days away from Sibos and at ACI we’re ready to go. The stand is arranged, the meetings have been set up and the events have been planned. We’ve also been giving some thought to the key themes that are being discussed throughout the week - regulation, rebuilding trust and recovery – and what they mean for the

/sibos /wholesale Finextra@Sibos

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Sibos finger on the pulse - ramping up the back-office

The amount of attention the back office gets nowadays might mean it could easily be mistaken for the portfolio manager’s suite or the trader’s desk. Why? The increase in due diligence on back office operations by investors, especially when it comes to reconciliation processes. Investors’ knowledge of back-office operations has grown dramatically. ...


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