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334 Results from /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The real payments impacts from liquidity regulations

As a key theme for Sibos, there is a lot of discussion about the impact of regulations, and the unexpected consequences that all too often accompany new rules. The BASEL III focus has been on ensuring banks are well funded to cope with problems that may occur in the market, with the particular focus on the failure of an entity involved in a transac...

/payments /sibos

David Divitt

David Divitt Senior Fraud Product Manager at VocaLink

Getting one view of financial crime

Anyone who has worked in a bank, or has spent any length of time working with them, knows that technology silos are all too commonplace. Many banks have one system to process debit card payments, another for credit, a third for online banking, and the list goes on. The same applies for fraud prevention and detection, where many banks aren't yet ta...

/regulation /sibos

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The day stockbroking died

SIBOS may have just witnessed a day that put the first nail in 'execution only stockbroking'. peterevans one of the smaller software houses is demonstrating its new app, which basically negates the need for the middle man (stockbroker) by executing directly on the Stock Exchange. The obvious thought is to link the app to the wholesale market and g...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile banking is about small screen real estate

Is it a sign of economic recovery that people at Sibos 2010 have such a good sense of humour? Like this speaker at the Mobile Keynote who stated that “mobile banking is about small screen real estate”. Hilarious! In case you didn’t know yet, mobile is not just a new channel and should certainly not be considered as one. Don’t think that it’s just a...


Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

The Rapid Disintermedation of Retail Bankers

The concept that banking is necessary, but banks are not has often been debated. The question of whether technology advances and new business model results in disintermediation is often dismissed as hype. While the Internet is undoubtedly the most significant technological advanced of the modern age, most retail bankers would argue that this onl

/sibos /retail

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SIBOS getting 'appy'

This year SIBOS in an 'appy' mood. With a number of vendors demoing apps, in particular, I was really impressed with peterevans and Information Mosaic (IM) who have both produced great apps that will set the trend for the future. peterevans has a great trade execution app and IM something wonderful in Corporate Actions. I predict that next years S...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Lets hear it for the news

A lasting memory of SIBOS this year is the fantastic job that FINEXTRA has done in bringing up to date news, informative interviews, comments and some real entertainment during very long days. Nick Hastings and his team take a bow! In my opinion delegates could benefit furthur, if the FINEXTRA news/ topical videos featured more in the future, by pe...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What will it take to get to SEPA?

The challenges of regulation for SEPA were made clear in the "SEPA 2010" session at Sibos today when the European Commission declared that "moving from self-regulation to regulation is not a small step but a major challenge”. In a sense, that sentiment comes as no surprise at all, given how far we've already travelled down the road ...

/payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile banking quickly reaching maturity in Europe, really?

This was a very unexpected statement from one of the speakers at the Mobile Keynote at Sibos 2010. Next time you do a presentation, try the following with your audience. Ask how many people have a mobile phone. 100% show of hands. Ask how many people have a smart phone. 50% to 70%. Ask how many people have more than one smart phone. 10% to 15% (mak...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Rebuilding trust - do we really need to demolish first?

I might not be physically at Sibos, but with social media and the power of the web it doesn’t mean one can’t keep up with the debate, albeit virtually. As I scan through the video recordings on various websites the one that stands out the most for me is Stephen Hester’s (Group CEO, Royal Bank of Scotland) one-on-one interview with Martin Wolf and...

/regulation /sibos Innovation in Financial Services

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