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334 Results from /sibos

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Why the lip service to innovation?

I am seeking an answer to a question that’s been bothering me – why does banks’ interest in innovation not translate into intent that is as strong as the interest itself? The latest in a series of our studies on innovation shows near unanimous agreement on the importance of innovation among banks across the globe. Nearly 80% of 72 West European ba...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Different Strokes for Different Folks!

Necessity is the mother of innovation! This tired old cliché was proved right by an Infosys-Asian Banker joint research study of 59 banks from 14 countries in the Asia Pacific region, which revealed that banks innovate mainly to beat severe market and regulatory challenges. However, the similarity ends there. The study highlighted that banks in di...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

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The role of technology in banking innovation

Ask a dozen bankers about the relationship between technology and innovation, and the answer will either be ‘inseparable friendship’ or ‘uneasy truce’.... or something to that effect. I have observed, and research confirms, that this polarised viewpoint is linked to market maturity. Almost without exception, banks around the world agree that IT is...

/sibos Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Basel III: Trust the rules

Basel III is setting the precedence for re-establishing the rules, as a result of the fall out of the financial market post-2008. The key aspects – tighter rules for tier-one capital, higher ratios of tier-one capital in relation to risk-weighted assets, new borrowing ratio relative to tier-one capital, new liquidity provisions, and measures to ...

/regulation /sibos Innovation in Financial Services

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

You just don't get it, do you? Is groupthink innovative?

First off, let me just say I am not slagging off the Innotribe sessions at this year's Sibos. I love innovation. Whether it's the next hot thing or the next hot air - innovative ideas and technology gives us a glimpse at where the future is going and how our economy is evolving. However... The myriad of blogs and Tweets that inevitably follow a s...

/sibos /wholesale Finance 2.0

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Sibos 2010 - the ultimate Tweet-up

One criticism of the digital age is that 'living online' so-to-speak, takes away from real interactions with living, breathing human beings. Well, without being ironic, Twitter was the ultimate catalyst for 'meets & greets' at Sibos this year. A whole slew of people I've never met, but knew on Twitter, came by and hung by the Finextra booth (I'...

/sibos Social Banks

Retired Member

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Sibos 2010 - come a few days, meet a 1000 bankers

You have to admit, the Innotribe sessions at Sibos 2010 had the vibe, energy, soundtrack and dialogues of Hollywood blockbusters this year. Good storylines, happy endings and one-liners that would put Sly and Arnie to shame. Anyway, if you haven’t been, here’s a summary. The most used word: “ubiquitous”, followed by “trust”, on par with “data”. T...


Retired Member

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Where's my IT department?

Interestingly, the cloud computing keynote and panel sessions at Sibos didn't approach cloud computing from an IT angle as it is often done but truly from a business perspective. Why are we interested in cloud computing in banking? Is it because of the economies of capital expenditure that we can achieve through virtualisation? Or is it because of...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Shock and awe - change is good!

There is the saying that ‘nobody likes change’ and in most cases you can attribute that to the fear of the unknown. Or, it is possible that people may just think that the old ways are better. I was shocked to learn from one of my colleagues that Deutsche Bank is not giving away toy cars at Sibos this year. Children of Sibos attendees across the g...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Social Media is NOT just another Media Channel

I’ve just attended the Sibos Webcast on social media, with the hope to listen some breaking announcement on the utilization of Social Media in the Banking industry. The discussion was a sort of déjà-vu of discussions from 15 years ago about the decision to have or not have a web site. What I haven’t heard during the discussion is that Social Med

/sibos /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

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