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334 Results from /sibos

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

Sizing the Reverse Factoring market

To build an estimate of this market I am using the below assumptions. I will limit so far the exposure for Europe to collect you suggestions/comments. I have similar data also for the other regions (i.e., NA, Asia, ANZ, Africa, South America) European Very large bank (e.g., Deutsche Bank, RBS, Santander, BNP): average of 30 deals/year with 30m $US...

/sibos /wholesale Financial Supply Chain

Barry Kislingbury

Barry Kislingbury Lead Solutions Consultant at ACI Worldwide

ISO 20022 for ACH and RTGS payments?

I had an interesting conversation recently that followed on from the Sibos 2011 Standards Forum in Toronto where the Canadian Payment Association (CPA) discussed its plans to use ISO 20022 for both High and Low value payments. The CPA has now put out a discussion paper that goes further than most countries’ thinking today. The current trend is t...

/payments /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Protecting Against Corporate Volatility Risk

Volatility in global markets, and in particular, the debt crisis in the eurozone has placed many corporations at greater risk, and in particular FX risk. “Vulnerability to Volatility Risk – a Global Challenge,” a survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, concluded that a majority of bankers, insurers and asset managers, as well as finan...

/regulation /sibos

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

An old world for Stock Borrowing and Lending

The announcement of the ESMA industry consultation relating to this year’s implementation of new regulations for the revision of the markets for short selling, including stock borrowing and lending can only be welcomed. However, it’s really ironic that the thrust of the concerns around stock borrowing and lending appear to me to be an admission t...

/sibos Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

400 million euro; for what?

At a recent conference a senior member of the T2S development team said that to date €350m had been spent on development and this was likely to rise to about €400m due to the 9 months delay announced at SIBOS. Let me say it again €400m! When T2S was devised in pre 2006, the world was a very different place and in those days a technology platform to...

/regulation /sibos Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Rating Agencies Stampeding Cattle

Since the first signs of the Credit Crunch and the debacle of bad asset valuation in the subprime disaster, the role of Credit Rating Agencies has created deep concern for Governments and Regulators alike. The independence that the finance industry always expected of ratings was almost unquestioned before, but not since. This begs the question ho...

/sibos Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

What's the point of MTFs?

When MiFID was written one of its objectives was to create increased competition to the Stock Exchanges. The view being that the Stock Exchanges were operating in what looked like a monopoly and with mergers they would be creating further monopolistic positions. This was considered bad for investors as it limited choice and forced acceptance of th...

/sibos /wholesale Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Things to come

The MiFID review as expected is going to clobber the existing market causing massive changes in the execution and post execution of trades. Many people outside of trading will be very worried about the long term impacts on their business. While investors should be feeling a warm glow, as they will be finally be sure of getting a good deal. Attacks...

/sibos Post-Trade Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Scarce credit throws e-invoicing in the spotlight

The limited availability of credit following the financial crisis coupled with the potential consequences of Basel III has resulted in a crunch on lending to corporates. Banks and corporates have become more attracted to financing opportunities linked to supply chain transactions. In a recent report, Celent even went as far as to ask whether suppl...

/payments /sibos

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Corporate Data: What a Mess!

Getting good accurate corporate data within an acceptable time frame for the market to make decisions and act you would think was problem that disappeared years ago. The fantastic increase communication efficiency, the scope of media coverage and the introduction of electronic message standards are all plus points that should have already eliminat...

/sibos Post-Trade Forum

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