297 Results from 2009, /security
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
I’ve been getting the same “direct message” from several of my Twitter followers. Apparently, their accounts have been hacked, because it’s a phishing message that says, “ROFL this you?” and contains a shortened URL. The link leads to a page that resembles Twitter’s log in page. The web address is /videos.twitter.zoltykatalogfirm/. Don’t go there. ...
16 November 2009 /security /regulation
Anti-virus protection, critical security patches and a secure wireless connection have always been essential processes on my networks. My main concern has always been to protect my bank account by keeping the bad guy out. In my presentations, I’ve always stressed the importance of making sure your wireless connection is secured, to prevent skeevy s...
14 November 2009 /security /regulation
Retired Member
From a fintech point of view, on this Black Friday the 13th, let us all check if "Iwantoneofthose.com" has a USB device to fly a flag at half mast in honor of the Madoff programmers, Jerome O'Hara and George Perez. Madoff is in jail, his right hand man awaiting sentencing, his auditor and many (probably not enough) of his middlemen and
13 November 2009 /security /regulation
Years ago (like 20) a friend was graduating from college and moving away and a bunch of friends were throwing a party for this person. Collectively they asked me if I’d write a small speech as a version of “This is your life”. Stymied as to why they would ask me to do it I asked ”Why me?” My girlfriend at the time said, and I quote “Because you g...
12 November 2009 /security /regulation
Steven Murdoch Royal Society University Research Fellow at University College London
Today, Finextra published a video interview with me, discussing my research on banks using card readers for online banking, which was recently featured on TV. In this interview, I discuss some of the more technical aspects of the attacks on card readers, including the one demonstrated on TV (which requires compromising a Chip & PIN terminal),...
11 November 2009 /security Information Security
Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence
A stealthy hack into a financial system; clever manipulation of data by exploiting hidden vulnerabilities; an international cash-out operation of gargantuan proportions reminiscent of Al-Qaeda multiple-attack plan. FBI agents working internationally to trace the criminals and bring them to justice. All the elements of a good Hollywood Heist film, ...
11 November 2009 /security /payments Online Banking
So it's been 5 years since I was working with my dear friends at Cyota (since acquired by RSA Security) whereby we introduced the world's first anti-phishing takedown service. On reflection, I'm simply astonished as to how this topic has become a mainstream conversation that most generations are able to to describe, and communicate as to how thi...
10 November 2009 /security
Earlier this week, an IT employee was indicted for stealing the identities of 150 of his coworkers at Bank of New York Mellon, to the tune of 1.1 million bucks. He bilked almost $140,000 a year over an eight year period by compromising the online bank accounts of numerous employees and wiring money to fraudulent accounts outside the bank. This is...
09 November 2009 /security /regulation
Congress is still considering the Informed P2P User Act, a law that would supposedly make it safer to use peer-to-peer file sharing software, an effort that is similar to banning mosquitoes from sucking blood. It just isn’t happening. The only foolproof way to prevent accidental data leaks via file sharing programs is for IT administrators to lock...
05 November 2009 /security /regulation
For the past year, I’ve been screaming about the trouble with social media as it relates to identity theft, brand hijacking, privacy issues, and the opportunity social media creates for criminals to “friend” their potential victims in order to create a false sense of trust and use that against their victims in phishing or other scams. I predicted ...
04 November 2009 /security /regulation
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