294 Results from 2010, /security
Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research
At the start of a new decade there still seems to be confusion between these two terms with many people using them interchangeably - so here’s the distinction set out plainly: Voice recognition, also known as speech recognition, converts spoken words or phrases to text which is then processed by a computer to recognise what is being said. Unfortuna...
04 January 2010 /security /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Jay McDonald from Creditcards.com does a great job of summarizing Identity Theft Predictions for 2010. “Like wolves to injured prey, identity thieves are out to turn the recession struggles of average Americans to their own advantage. “In my adult life, I’ve never seen more varations of old scams and the degree of sophistication in newer scams,” ...
04 January 2010 /security /regulation
The last decade we have seen technological breakthroughs unlike any other. In response we have seen a tremendous rise in fraud. The reason? The speed of the conveniences technology have far outpaced the security of technology. PC World puts out their list: Cyberwar: In February 2000, a Canadian teenager named Mafiaboy used automated floods of inc...
02 January 2010 /security /regulation
In a recent article in Computer World, Tom Patterson CSO of Magtek, with his Glamor Shot photo, provides “5 counter-fraud tips you’ve never been told”. Anything a consumer can do to reduce their risk for account takeover, they should exercise. While in most cases the consumer isn’t responsible for the losses, as long as you refute the fraud in a ...
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