294 Results from 2010, /security
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
The Identity Theft Resource Center® Breach Report recorded 498 breaches, less than the 657 in 2008, more than the 446 in 2007. Are data breaches increasing or decreasing? That is the question no one can answer. This fact will not change until there is a single data breach list requiring mandatory public reporting. With some breaches not being rep...
12 January 2010 /security /regulation
Forrester Research, Inc. in Cambridge, MA is an independent research company that provides pragmatic and forward-thinking advice to global leaders in business and technology. They released their 2010 data security predictions. Heading into 2010, they are predicting five new data security trends: 1) Enterprises will keep their data security budgets...
Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research
So, it’s January 2010; the hangovers are subsiding and everyone is gearing up for the New Year and the opportunities and challenges it will bring. This time last year in his speech to the CBI Mervyn King talked about consumer confidence and pronounced that there had been ‘a widespread collapse of confidence in banking systems in the industrialised...
11 January 2010 /security /payments Innovation in Financial Services
A bunch of us recently celebrated a 40th birthday of a friend. The conversation at one point revolved around my ATM scam and how easy it is to con people. A new boyfriend of a friend began to tell everyone how he often cons people to get in bars and clubs. “I NEVER wait in lines” he said, “and I always get VIP treatment”. I hate lines too, but I h...
10 January 2010 /security /regulation
In my early 20’s I bought real estate in a depressed area north of Boston in Lynn Massachusetts. At 20, that’s all I could afford. Lynn was then and is now known as “Lynn Lynn the City of Sin, you don’t go out the way you come in.” Lynn’s a hard city known for drugs and prostitution. It’s also the home of various biker gangs known as “one percent...
There’s a lot of excessive trust in the Facebook world. People have entirely dropped their sense of cynicism when logged on. They have no reason to distrust. People who are your “Friends” are generally those who you “know, like and trust”. In this world, your guard is as down as it will ever be. You are in the safety of your own home or office ha...
08 January 2010 /security /regulation
Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence
Thirty years from now if I’ll ever look back and read my old blogs, I’m sure I’ll agree with what my current self is about to state: There was never a better time to be a cybercriminal than in good old 2009. So many things worked in favor of online fraudsters that I doubt if there’ll ever be a year as good as 2009, assuming you’re crooks trying to ...
06 January 2010 /security Innovation in Financial Services
Lately I’ve been coming across “advertisements” posted on forums from criminal hackers looking to sell our stolen information. They are “carders” selling “dumps” and “fullz” I wrote about it HERE. Well I decided to make contact with one of them to see what the deal is. It turns out the one I connected with was less than forthcoming, but was very p...
05 January 2010 /security /regulation
Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee
An interesting story about Bank Leumi on Finextra just before Christmas. It seems that Bank Leumi will be using voice biometrics for password re-sets for online banking. There are a couple of interesting things about this. The first is that password re-sets are an absolute pain for helpdesks and similar types of contact centre. Depending on whet...
05 January 2010 /security /retail
Cedric Pariente Stanford Certified Project Manager at EFFI Consultants
As a TODO in your 2010 new resolutions, you might want to take control over your internet public image. But the process of "unfriending" a lot of people and/or deleting accounts seems to be a big hurdle? The solution has just arrived http://suicidemachine.org/ They do the job for you! The remove EVERYTHING related to you over the socia...
05 January 2010 /security Online Banking
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