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3646 Results from /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Interchange Battle - Superceded by Technology Innovation?

A few minutes in the lab can sometimes change the world. Transactions are going to change. Settlement and interchange will too. I can see how high interchange fees are more likely to encourage competitors in a market dominated by well established brands, and that lower interchange fees could theoretically discourage new entrants considering the inf...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Noble

Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee

Lloyds TSB offshores IT, not call centre

An interesting article on Finextra about Lloyds TSB offshoring 450 IT jobs. What it makes it interesting is that Lloyds TSB has opted not just to keep its contact centres onshore, but create new contact centre jobs onshore. I've covered this in past posts like "Onshore still growing - Lloyds TSB" but it makes clear that if customer ser...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Telly-Teller ATM from IBM or a mobile in your pocket?

I think the telly-teller is a great initiative to cope with unexpected in-branch demand, but if banks misuse it there could be repercussions. I don't want sensory overload from an honour guard of beseeching screens flanking the path to the human at the branch. I had to think about how I feel during the branch experience and how I feel afterward...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Virtual Tellers? What about all that investment in the ATM?

Am I missing the point here? Most teller capabilities are already available at advanced functionality ATMs and self-service devices. The reason that many people still use the teller to conduct these basic transactions is presumably because they don't feel comfortable using self-service. In which case, the virtual teller isn't really going to help ...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Finextra equals community

Financial Insights has issued a briefing note on the social networking phenomenon and the opportunities and threats posed to financial institutions. The study seeks to provide a framework that defines social networking for the financial services industry, as well as provide guidance to fintech software houses and infrastructure vendors and invest...

/retail /wholesale Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bank of America's heroic decision to blog with customers

I applaud BofA in their bold move into the bloggosphere. I also think that here should be an industry code of conduct for blogging with customers on financial sites, don't cringe - it'll be good for everyone. Let's start it here: Financial Services Customer Blogs Code of Conduct We will listen to/read issues raised by our customers.We have the r...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Australian central bank cries foul over eBay PayPal mandate

Australia's central bank has stepped into the debate over eBay's proposals to make the use of PayPal mandatory for buyers and sellers on the online aution site. In a submission to the country's competition commission, the RBA raises three issues of concern: "The first is that it could limit the ability of new on-line payment systems to become...

/payments /retail EBAday

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

BoA invites online criticism

The Boston Globe reports that Bank of America is embracing customer interaction via an online forum. Predictably, plenty of irate customers are taking advantage of the feature to air their frustrations. With people posting reviews all over the Web anyway the bank has decided it might as well get into the spirit of things and show customers it’s “...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Aussie Treasurer threat over high mortgage exit fees

The Australian government is threatening to enact new banking legislation to lower mortgage exit fees and make it easier for mortgagees to switch lenders. Australia has the worlds highest exit fees with some lenders charging $7500. The government and consumer groups are seeking to encourage more competition in the market place.

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Granville's insolvency a sign of things to come

The descent into administration of UK business intelligence vendor Granville Associates reawakens the spectre of insolvency for smaller software companies in the fintech space. For the best part of the past decade, companies with a sluggish sales pipeline and cashflow problems have been able to keep themselves afloat by taking on more debt and bor...

/retail /wholesale Finextra50 fintech index

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