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3665 Results from /retail

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

We can predict the future - breach researchers amazing claim

Fourteen data breaches will, over the next year, each expose one million or more records to potential use by criminals. And, at least one breach of over 10 million records will affect nearly five percent of the US population. That's the claim made by Voltage Security, which has produced a visual map tracking US and global data breach incidents. Th...

/security /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Trust - A Turmoiling Trait ?

Surveys in this phase of turmoil (recovery?) indicate that the customer priorities for choosing Banks are "Financial stability”, "Trust" and "customer focus" of Banks- Interpersonal relationships to the fore as crisis erodes trust in banks . The term stability of a bank was never in the top priorities, till customer felt t...

/retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Noble

Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee

Axa to create 600 new UK contact centre jobs

A piece of good news reported on CCF, "AXA to create 600 jobs". I was particularly interested to see that these jobs are onshore in the UK. The blog has looked at Axa contact centres before, at least the Swiftcover bit of the business) in the post "Are call centres so bad they hinder business?", so it's good to see that anoth...


Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

Riders On The Storm

There’s so many things going in favor of online fraudsters these days – so much back wind they can use to accelerate their evil business – that it seems like there was never a better time to take up to crime. Provided, of course, that you have a weak moral fiber. Let me list a couple of things: Trojans are so easy to run and operate. The State-o...

/security /retail Online Banking

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Data Security Myth

There has been no end of stories over recent years about the ability of companies and organisations to maintain their data security. Bad news always travels faster than good and we will only ever know about the instances where data security is breached rather than the majority of occasions when data is secure but the quest to achieve total securit...

/regulation /retail Data Management 101

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Too complicated - a no-brainer

We are now also reading in the press what we already knew before - bank "products" have been made so complicated and have versioned into so many nearly-but-not-quite-the-same offerings - that the staff cannot handle them any longer. This sad fact is not unique to the banking sector - many other sectors suffer from the same results of too ...

/retail Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Treat Customers Fairly - are you ready?

Treating customers fairly is a principle that most financial institutions try to adhere to and so they should. How stringently they enforce this practice though is another issue and has often come up for debate. However, with the Financial Services Authority (FSA) taking over the regulation of retail banking conduct from November, the institutions...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Time to scrap cash?

With the spectre of negative interest rates hoving into view, is it time to rethink the value of cash as a medium of exchange? Failure to do so will lead inevitably to currency hoarding as savers turn their assets into cash to avoid the deflationary effects of a move to negative interest charges. In his maverecon blog at the FT, Wiliam Buiter, a f...

/payments /retail EBAday

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile Financial Services Hampered By Oversold Networks

To say that I am an evangelist for mobile financial services would be an understatement, but I confess to experiencing purely personal delight at the pace of mobile financial services. That pace is slow. I've recently had a quick African immersion and have seen that the real story on the ground is far from rosy for the current mobile financial serv...

/payments /retail Whatever...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

The mysterious case of the dodgy VocaLink hotmail account

Another day, another sorry tale of dirty tricks, identity theft and corporate espionage on the Finextra news beat. Intrigued? Then read on. I promise you won't be disappointed. A couple of weeks back the Finextra news desk received an e-mailed press release announcing the acquisition of niche payments consulting firm The Sepa Consultancy by US tech...

/payments /retail Whatever...

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