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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

CAT Compliance Ramps Up on Sell Side with Interfirm Linkages

No one could have predicted that Wall Street’s top compliance project would go into production during a pandemic. The securities industry is submitting data to the Consolidated Audit Trail, a long-delayed database for tracking the lifecycle of orders and transactions for U.S. listed and over-the counter equites and options in one place. Even thou...

/regulation /markets Big Data

Adam Krug

Adam Krug CLM Ambassador at Pegasystems

How a Unified Case Management System Can Improve AML Practices

How a Unified Case Management System Can Improve AML Practices In September this year, the ‘FinCEN Files’ – thousands of documents detailing $2 trillion (£1.55tn) of potentially corrupt transactions that were overlooked by the US financial system – were leaked. The data revealed how some of the world's biggest banks have permitted criminals to ...

/regulation /crime

Stephan Wolf

Stephan Wolf CEO at Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation

The Embedded Benefits in ESEF Digital Financial Reporting

In a battle for significance, no other public facing business document can match the annual financial report. It is the document that a public corporation must, by law, publish to describe its operations and financial condition, and to chronicle its activities over the past twelve months. Shareholders, investors and the wider financial ecosystem m...

/regulation /identity

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The EC’s Digital Finance Package: a step in the right direction for global blockchain adoption

Regulation – if developed appropriately – can be the catalyst that propels nascent technologies into the mainstream, especially in the complex world of financial services. And the European Commission (EC) has just confirmed its place at the forefront of fostering fintech innovation, writes Isabelle Corbett, Head of Regulatory Affairs at R3. Last...

/regulation /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Managing Information Barriers in the Era of Remote Working

Information barriers have always been a challenge for organisations to manage, monitor and control. As a result, many firm have historically banned home working and previously only enabled access to files, folders, and other information on-site. Along comes the Covid-19 pandemic, and suddenly all rules needed to be readministered to facilitate the...


Adam Holden

Adam Holden Chief Executive Officer at NorthRow

7 Barriers to Delivering Efficient KYC Remediation

Due to time, cost and loss of productivity required to deliver a KYC remediation project, many firms delay activity or avoid the challenge altogether until the regulator comes to call. However, with the current market volatility and increasing levels of financial crime, sitting on a back-book of inaccurate or out-dated client data will expose your...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Jeremy Light

Jeremy Light Co-founder at Fourdotzero

Big Brother is Watching You - Payment Systems, Surveillance Systems, Control Systems

1230 words, 4:50 min read An Orwellian Dystopia As more and more payments become digital, a key question for payment systems architects is how to preserve the privacy of their users. Without privacy, payments systems risk becoming surveillance systems for government agencies and for corporations. In turn these can be extended into control systems ...

/payments /regulation The Payments Business

Yo McDonald

Yo McDonald Vice President, GRC Solutions at MetricStream, Inc.

Expanding from Risk to Resilience - Make Your Organisation 'Anti-Fragile'

Moving from simple risk management to real resilience is a critical new capability that organisations are striving to attain. Teams seek to quickly mature resilience as we reopen our businesses, countries and economies in the post-COVID-19 world. Organisations that do this well and become ‘anti-fragile’ will thrive – those that do not will find th...

/regulation /covid-19 Operational Risk Management

Saloni Ramakrishna

Saloni Ramakrishna Author; Senior Director at Oracle

Profitable Paradigm - Through the Lens of Profitability in Covid times

Is it relevant to talk of profitability during Covid times some might ask? It is and HOW!! Healthy banks are sine qua non to support pandemic induced distressed economy & customers whether it is retail, commercial/ SME or corporates in affected industries. Connecting the dots across my previous three blogs, the big picture is that banks thems...

/regulation /covid-19 Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What Chess Can Teach Us About Assessing Vendor Risk

Assessing vendor risk is a key topic for many enterprises, seeking fit for purpose solutions to get the job done. Over 60% of data breaches coming from vendor portfolios combined with mounting regulatory requirements and data privacy fines are all significant imperatives to get it right. Just like aligning chess pieces -- applying the right tools

/security /regulation Fintech

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