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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Toine Van Beusekom

Toine Van Beusekom Strategy Director at Icon Solutions

Future-proof payments infrastructure: The role of agent banks in the quest for modernisation

The shift to a ‘marketplace’ model, rise of fintech companies and arrival of new players in the payments value chain have had a profound impact on market dynamics within the financial services sector. In response, banks must reconsider how payments infrastructure fits within their long-term strategy. The rapid transformation of the payments indust...

/payments /regulation Banking Architecture

Yogendra Singh

Yogendra Singh Vice President, Global Head, Solution Consulting at Oracle

Responsible Banking – Three Ways to Strategize Climate Change Risk

People around the world are witnessing how climate change can devastate our planet. Scientists continue to sound the alarm that, climate change is the greatest threat to human health in recorded history. As climate crisis is rising governments & agencies around the world are working to advance policies that reduce carbon pollution, support cle...

/regulation /sustainable Climate Risk

Katie Hunter

Katie Hunter Senior Marketing Manager at Aveni

How your FS business can reduce costs in a high inflation environment

Global inflation rates have been consistently on the rise over the past year. The high inflation is driven by high energy prices, issues in supply chains and an increase in consumer demand. While focus has been largely on the effect this is having on the general population, there are also ramifications on businesses, particularly those within the ...

/regulation RegTech

Mete Feridun

Mete Feridun Chair at EMU Centre for Financial Regulation and Risk

Regulation of Digital Finance: What does the EU Regulation of Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) mean?

Digital finance has no doubt transformed the traditional way of providing banking and financial services, enabling greater access to financial services, offering wider choice and increasing efficiency of operations. In the European Union (EU) the use of innovative technologies in the financial sector is facilitating changes to value chains, that d...

/regulation /crypto Blockchain Geek

Akshaya Chandra

Akshaya Chandra Head of Innovation, Growth & Transformation at Tata Consultancy Services

Underwriting 4.0

They say permanence in life is flux itself. It is more true now in 2022, in a world coming out of the throes of a Global pandemic, into a War situation and possibly at the face of a Economic recession. There is a rather fast and furious change in how we consume financial services – thanks to some of these headwinds. For decades, Insurance customer...

/regulation /predictions Innovation in Financial Services

Philipp Pieper

Philipp Pieper Co-founder at Swarm Markets GmbH

ESMA's crypto preparations, Ether 'flips' Bitcoin; Aave's stablecoin

Despite us moving into a traditionally quiet time of year, the world of crypto is still undergoing key changes in terms of market dynamics as well as regulation. I reflect on three key developments below that emerged this week: EU regulator ups the stakes on crypto regulation Ether flips bitcoin in options markets Aave stablecoin is a natural prog...

/regulation /crypto DeFi

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SCA’s success is pushing account takeover fraud to new heights

While strong customer authentication (SCA) enforcement is still in its early days, it’s already clear that the more robust identity requirements are better protecting ecommerce checkout from fraudsters looking to commit payments fraud. And while that’s indisputably good news, one of the key indicators of SCA’s effectiveness is certainly bad news. ...

/payments /regulation Business

Prabhu Ramamoorthy

Prabhu Ramamoorthy Global Manager Financial Services Ecosystem at NVIDIA

Enhancing Trade Compliance with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Physicists may say otherwise, but it is trade that makes the world go round -- at least financially. From supply chain issues to volatility in prices across asset classes, from stocks to crude oil, trade defines much of the movement in the international economy. With trillions of dollars moving daily across the financial system, the temptation to ...

/regulation /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Joost Van Houten

Joost Van Houten Founder & CEO at Sentinels

Advancing AML: Why ultimate beneficial owners must be properly identified

In March 2022, global regulatory watchdog the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) adopted amendments to Recommendation 24 (R.24) of its 40 Recommendations that govern global anti-money laundering (AML) policy. This concerns Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO), i.e., the person who profits from money moving into or out of a business. These are signi...

/regulation /crime Banking Regulations

Frank Cummings

Frank Cummings CEO at AML Partners LLC

Digital Transformation Time--Again?

'Digital Transformation' sellers—a.k.a. the “cookie-jar consultants”--are at it again It’s happening again: Claims of digital-transformations-solve-all-problems are everywhere. I don’t want to sound too boomer-ish, but we have been down this tech-solves-all road a couple times before. And many leaders will believe the hype: Transform your digit

/regulation RegTech

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