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Meteorite crash into earth is 1 in 50 risk in 2036

A 13-year-old German schoolboy corrected NASA's estimates on the chances of an asteroid colliding with Earth, a German newspaper reported, after spotting the boffins had miscalculated. Nico Marquardt used telescopic findings from the Institute of Astrophysics in Potsdam (AIP) to calculate that there was a one in 50 chance that the Apophis asteroid ...

/regulation Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Manhattan Project to Outsmart the Chinese Cyber-Attackers?

The US Administration is considering a Manhattan type project, where they get all the smart guys together to work out a way to solve a problem. In the 1940's it was a race to nuclear dominance, this year it's a race to internet dominance. The major thrust of the large scale of penetration attacks on the US government and defense contractors seems t...

/security /regulation Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Another Potential Risk for Biometrics? - Activists

I don't suppose there is ever any vandalism of bank ATM machines unless digging them out with a front end loader and driving off with them is counted as vandalism. The full range of potential for problems with biometrics is not really known, but we do know that a lot of people don't like the idea of biometrics. Sure there's the issue of false posit...

/regulation /retail Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Australian Bosses will legally Read Staff Email

As part of the 'War on Terror' Australian bosses will soon be able to legally read their employees email. Do we really have to? I can see some executive wage pressures. This is apparently neccesary to spot terrorist risks, according to the government. I can see a training opportunity here - someone will have to teach the executives how to read, in ...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Thought for Food!

Going by the events of the 10 days, it looks like Lady Subprime who has been grabbing all our attention has serious competition. The 'World Food Crisis' threatens to take us back to the basics and make us forget all about CDOs, Ninja loans, mortgage, etc. Many countries like India, China, Philippines, Thailand and most of Asia have taken extreme m...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Will the New Internet and Mobilisation Prevent Depression?

Microsoft and some of the other big internet players have realised that the internet will stall without identity and trust. Web 2.0 or whatever they call it this week, is just like the real world. Linden Labs 'get a life' stalled pretty quickly without it and they had to go to IBM to try and help them fix it. Linden's problem wasn't all ID, there ...

/regulation Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Soros and market visibility - by the noneconomist

George Soros has 'come out of retirement' albeit to launch his new book Credit Crisis 2008 and what it means. I haven't had time to read it yet so I'll go by his spoken words. Recent statements by Mr Soros on market transparency and market dynamics give food for thought. Perhaps if he could have given a little earlier warning of what was to come ...

/regulation /wholesale Whatever...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

A letter to the editor

Who would want to be a bank boss? Andrew Clare from the Cass Business School, clearly thinks it worth a punt. From the letters page of the FT: Sir I know that this is not normally the forum to advertise one's qualifications in the hope of finding a new career, but hopefully you will excuse the liberty. I have no experience whatsoever in running a b...

/regulation /wholesale Whatever...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Bank execs pay ultimate price for wrong bet

Two bank workers who stole 45 million yuan (HK$49.93 million) to buy lottery tickets have been executed in Hebei province, according to an AFP report quoting the Xinhau News Agency. The two vault managers started taking money from the safe to play the state lottery, hoping they would eventually win back enough to replace the missing funds. Makes y...

/regulation /wholesale Whatever...

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Moved up the digital tolerance graph!

The FBI (National White Collar Crime Center - Internet Crime Complaint Center) released their latest 'Internet Crime Report' for 2007. See The report actually claims a reduction in the number of Internet crimes reported to the ICCC in 2007 when compared to 2006. Does this mean Internet crime ...

/security /regulation

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