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Latest /regulation expert opinions

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Retired Member 

Third Financial acquires IPR from e-portals

e-portals has developed a new product called "Exposure Alert" for tracking exposure and risk at the desktop level using gadget technology. It is the IPR for the use of this product in the Wealth Management arena that Third Financial has purchased.


Retired Member

Retired Member 

When the fraudsters bring down the network with an axe

Much of western Sydney (Australia) was without telephone and internet last weekend and the reasons have come to light. In an attempt to take out the EFTPOS network to carry out fraudulent manual transactions, criminals cut the wires to what they thought was a suburban Westfield shopping centre, unwittingly cutting internet and landline phones for...

/payments /regulation Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Collaboration to combat e-banking fraud?!

There have been a few different conversations stemming from the publication of the EC’s report on “Fraud regarding non cash means of payments in the EU”, but none so far seem to address the fact that the report lacks any kind of concrete recommendations. The EC is missing the opportunity to advocate stronger fraud counter-measures, despite the con...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

DTCC and LCH Clearnet merger

The speculation that DTCC are in talks with LCH Clearnet, with a merger as a possible result must be music to the ears of everyone in the securities market. The consolidation of Clearing on this scale will be creating a mammoth opportunity for the markets to finally start the walk towards industry wide STP in the international cross border busines...

/regulation Operational Risk Management

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

SocGen rogue trader lands new job

Who says crime doesn't pay? Jerome Kerviel, the rogue trader allegedly responsible for $7.3 billion losses at SocGen, has got a new job - as a computer consultant. Kerviel is working for LCA computer consultancy in the Paris suburb of Levallois, hired by the same man who hid him from journalists after the SocGen scandal broke. He was offered the j...

/regulation /wholesale Where are they now?

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Vote for the top public intellectuals

Foreign Policy magazine has opened the doors for us to vote on the world's top 100 intellectuals. We can also put in candidates we think deserve to be on the roll call. I saw the usual suspects are in there - Thomas Friedman, Mohd Yunus, Amartya Sen, Jeffrey Sachs, Pope Benedict XVI and host of names in whose wisdom we normally soak in. Do put in ...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Data At Risk During Travel - Warning

Association of Corporate Travel Executives advice to business travelers states: That you should not carry any confidential, personal information that you do not want examined by third parties on your computer – or other electronic devices. This includes financial data, photographs, and email stored on computers, wireless phones, Blackberries, or...

/security /regulation Information Security

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

The attack of the clones!

What is it that's lead to a number of announcements on payment networks in the past week? We had some of the EU countries pledging to implement an card payment network to take on Visa, MasterCard and Amex. China already has a payment scheme running. China's lone inter-bank transfer network—China UnionPay—was founded five years ago and is accepte...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Risk to Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets from Terrorists

What do they have in common? Recently border officials have began a dubious practice of collecting mobile phones, PDA's, memory sticks, and even whole laptops and copying the information for 'security reasons'. No actual terrorists appear to have been uncovered yet, but I'm sure a lot of proprietary, sensitive and valuable information has been expo...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Proof of Age Card is an improvement but...

A great idea to have the proof of age card. At least you won't be able to use someone else's will you? I do think it's an good attempt at improvement, but it's a bit too much for status sensitive young people and I would be surprised to see much uptake apart from parents foisting it upon unwilling children. That is the flaw in the plan - peer statu...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

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