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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Retired Member

Retired Member 

IT Integration Can't Wait

In tough economic times, it's easy to and sometimes extremely necessary to rethink projects and initiatives that will not have an immediate impact on the bottom line. But there are some projects that even in the darkest days should not be put on the back burner. IT integration is definitely one such project. Let's face the facts that there is ver...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Supply Chain

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Identity Theft Expert; Data breaches get more costly

Identity Theft Speaker Robert Siciliano Excellent article by Jaikumar Vijayan here; Data breaches continue to get more costly for businesses Ponemon Institute LLC is all the buzz this week after publishing a study showing the cost of a data breach has risen significantly. The study points to companies being hesitant to inve...

/security /regulation

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Banks bailed out with drug money?

Amongst all the snowfall and avalanche of layoffs and closures, I found a real intriguing nugget of a news item. The Executive Director of UNODC claims in an interview that some banks have been 'kept afloat' by drug money flowing into the financial system. See this news link here -

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fraud nears record levels in 2008.. when did it happen?

I read with obvious interest and evaluation, many news articles currently reporting the upward and accelerating trend of fraud losses across industry sectors, types of fraud perpetrated, and delivery channels exposed to such risks - but one key statistic always seems to be missing, when exactly did these loans actually originate? As the credit squ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

All This New-Tech Is No Fun For Techies

I thought I'd do a quick rap-up of some of the 'fun' things done by hackers in the past year. The most fun one is the car navigation system. The one you rent at the airport when you get to some country where you have no idea of the landscape and couldn't hope to find your way anywhere without the sattelite navigation system you insist upon when yo...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Thank You, America

This is probably never going to gain traction, but I wonder whether we should really be thanking the US for triggering the financial crisis... My reason for saying this is that, at least by doing so, they called a halt to the process of adding to the ever-growing pile of debt, both good and bad, before it became even more unsustainable. If the who...

/regulation Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are Card Readers Secure?

I'm sure it's okay really, and that it's just my lack of knowledge about the detail, but a conversation the other day meant I couldn't help wondering about the level of security we get with card readers, and there seems to be such a proliferation of them now. A friend of mine is now the 'proud' owner of four of the devices, sent to him by a number...

/regulation Online Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

EU Data Protection Day Wed 28th Jan 2009

Just in case your attention is elsewhere this Wednesday.... Would not want you to miss the 3rd Council of Europe Data Protection Day on Wed 28th January 2009 (what happened on the other two?) relating to everything from EU initiatives to the nitty-gritty such as my personal area of interest, document metadata removal. A timely blog last week from ...

/security /regulation Information Security

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

I.T. Boom will follow Crisis

Its normal practice for financial services firms to immediately cut costs and budgets when a financial crisis hits. In my time working in banking I can remember on many occasions when some form of crisis appeared that the first reaction was to freeze expenditure, the next was to cut costs the third was to prioritise and then cut again. The finance...

/regulation /sibos MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

When Bonuses Work...

...even for Northern Rock employees. There was an interesting debate on Question Time last night about the bonuses that are to be paid to Northern Rock staff. The views spanned the spectrum, from one delegate who said bonus schemes shouldn’t exist at all – anywhere - to a part-justification of the process. I say ‘part-justification’ because the...

/regulation /retail Transaction Banking

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