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4163 Results from /regulation

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

White Collar crime now in 'Starbucks' league!

The latest Pricewaterhouse Coopers Global Economic crime survey released last week confirms our worst fears. The stinging economic recession has taken economic crime to the 'classes'. Middle and upper managers are 'forced' to take to crime to sustain their lifestyles cultivated in boom times. With the recession taking a heavy toll of staff leading...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Hackers Indicted for Jacking Comcast

One hacked email address led to the defacement of Comcasts homepage. When the hackers called Comcasts technical contact to let him know all 200 Comcast domain names and Comcast homepage were vulnerable, he hung up on them. It has not been disclosed how the email was compromised, but there are many ways it could be. Wired/CNN reports as described in...

/security /regulation

Dinakar Orampati

Dinakar Orampati IT Lead | ISO20022 | SWIFT | Global Payments at MUFG Union Bank, N.A

Cgap examines the future of mobile banking..

Good to see the Cgap examines the future and growth of mobile banking customers. Examination toward the Anti Money laundering needs to be addressed to review KYC standard paramters for mobile banking customer to have easy reconciliation on every movement of instructions.

/regulation SWIFT Matters

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Money Mules Facilitate Identity Theft and Fraud

Mules are relatively unaware people who get hooked into a “small business” or employment that is a function of a criminal enterprise. The mules often respond to “help wanted” ads from online job placement sites. Shipping scams are a common tactic criminals use in which they employ mules to receive goods bought with stolen credit card numbers, who ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Revenge of the hedge trimmers

Many companies rely heavily on hedging – which may be defined as the process of using financial instruments to reduce or eliminate the risks resulting from fluctuations in the market price of credit, foreign exchange, or commodities impacting on their cash flow, profits or corporate value. Interest rate swaps, for example, are commonly used to he...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

I Bought an ATM off Craigslist w 1000 CC-Debits No. on it

After the Vegas DEFCON ATM debacle where hackers hacked hackers by setting up a fake ATM in front of the facilities security office, I needed to see how stupid easy it was to buy and ATM and just set it up anywhere. So my search began. I started looking on e-bay and found plenty of new and used ATMs ranging from $500-2500 but quickly determined I d...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Identity Fraud - consumer apathy or lack of education?

The latest monthly statistics show the number of new identity fraud cases reported to CPP stands at its highest level since we started selling the insurance product back in November 2004. In October, our resolution team took onboard 250 brand new cases of identity fraud and is currently working with those individuals to clear their names and rebuil...

/security /regulation Online Banking

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Twitter Phish Identity Theft Scam

I’ve been getting the same “direct message” from several of my Twitter followers. Apparently, their accounts have been hacked, because it’s a phishing message that says, “ROFL this you?” and contains a shortened URL. The link leads to a page that resembles Twitter’s log in page. The web address is /videos.twitter.zoltykatalogfirm/. Don’t go there. ...

/security /regulation

Cedric Pariente

Cedric Pariente Stanford Certified Project Manager at EFFI Consultants

Investment Guide 2010

What would you do if you could make millions with a 1 shot investment on 2010? Well, I'm going to tell you what you should do... WAKE UP!!! Investing is not for everyone. There is no free lunch. There are several rules to follow if you don't want to end up like a drunk guy after a crazy night gambling at the casino. If you don't know the rules, you...

/regulation Online Banking

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Why is Child Pornography on Your PC?

Anti-virus protection, critical security patches and a secure wireless connection have always been essential processes on my networks. My main concern has always been to protect my bank account by keeping the bad guy out. In my presentations, I’ve always stressed the importance of making sure your wireless connection is secured, to prevent skeevy s...

/security /regulation

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