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4163 Results from /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

PC Worlds Top 10 Security Nightmares of the Decade

The last decade we have seen technological breakthroughs unlike any other. In response we have seen a tremendous rise in fraud. The reason? The speed of the conveniences technology have far outpaced the security of technology. PC World puts out their list: Cyberwar: In February 2000, a Canadian teenager named Mafiaboy used automated floods of inc...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

5 Tips to Credit Card Identity Theft Prevention

In a recent article in Computer World, Tom Patterson CSO of Magtek, with his Glamor Shot photo, provides “5 counter-fraud tips you’ve never been told”. Anything a consumer can do to reduce their risk for account takeover, they should exercise. While in most cases the consumer isn’t responsible for the losses, as long as you refute the fraud in a ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Encryption used in most GSM networks cracked and available

I didn't get to wait until the New Year for those GSM mobile phone conversations and phone banking sessions to become even more accessible to criminals (it is unlawful to intercept mobile communications in most civilised countries, however even governments don't seem to pay any attention to that one so criminals aren't likely to either): NYTimes G...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Expanding Internet Capabilities Makes U.S. Vulnerable

The FBI considers the cyber threat against our nation to be one of the greatest concerns of the 21st century. Steven R. Chabinsky is deputy assistant director of the cyber division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This article is sourced from and was adapted from written testimony he delivered earlier this month to the Se...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Russian Hackers Make Millions Breaching ATMs

It started simply by hacking 7-Elevens public website using a SQL injection. SQL is abbreviation of Structured Query Language. Pronounced ”Ess Que El” or ”Sequel” depending on who you ask. This led to 7 elevens main servers compromised which led to ATMs within 7-Eleven hacked. Wired reports ““The Russians, evidently using an SQL injection vuln...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

U.S. Cyber Challenge to Defeat Criminal Identity Theft

President Obama has chimed in with a directive to review the nations cyber security as it relates to security and our critical infrastructures. CNN recently reported about the “U.S. Cyber Challenge” to find and develop 10,000 cybersecurity specialists to help the U.S. regain the lead in cyberspace. In its simplest form, the U.S. Cyber Challenge p...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

The Feast of the 7 Phishes

Being a “Siciliano” and having roots in Italy, namely Sicily, the little island at the bottom of the boot, we have a tradition where we celebrate “the vigil” (La Vigilia), with a Feast of the Seven Fishes (festa dei sette pesci). It’s a day of cooking, eating and enjoying your favorite beverage in substantial quantity. I do the cooking and start se...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Craigslist ATM I bought Causes Industry Stir

Apparently I raised a hackle or two. Seems my little stunt got the attention of industry insiders, and not all of them believe that I bought a used ATM on Craigslist, which turned out to contain thousands of credit card numbers. Well, it did actually happen, and despite what many say, that the ATM couldn’t have contained 16-digit credit and debit...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Lack of Laptop Security Leads to Identity Theft

In 2003, an estimated 1.5 million laptops were stolen worldwide. Today, that number has climbed to 2.6 million. That’s a 70% increase in just a few years. That’s one stolen laptop every 12 seconds. Laptop computers have been the source of some of the biggest data breaches of all time. 800,000 doctors were recently put at risk for identity theft whe...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Identity Theft 2010 Top 10 Predictions

The Identity Theft Resource Center® (ITRC) and Robert Siciliano (me) have joined forces to expand the pool of knowledge about identity theft issues. As nationally recognized experts in this crime, we have come up with the Top 10 predictions for what the nation might expect in the area of identity theft in 2010 and beyond. 1. More Scams: The recess...

/security /regulation

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