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4163 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

An American Dream and the hard life of an entrepreneur

In the early 90's my employer, the phone company in California spent over $50000.00 to send me to get certified to be a Systems and Application Developer, specializing in mainframe. This, after I paid for my own college education. A couple of years later, the phone company wanted to trim its staff and offered 'early out' packages. I took this since...

/regulation Private Equity Investing in Financial Technology

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Top 8 Worst Twitter Social Media Hacks

In the past year our use of Twitter has increased dramatically. And so has the criminal hacker’s attention to the opportunity to use it for illicit gain. Jacked Twitter Accounts: Numerous Twitter (and Facebook) accounts including those of President Obama, Britney Spears, Fox News and others were taken over and used to make fun of, ridicule, haras...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

My Identity Thief Loves Me

I have a very weird job. I explore aspects of society that people read about but would never consider exploring themselves. I go places where others may be led to because they didn’t know any better. And I like too expose the flaws in the system that make us vulnerable. Much of my “research” or “antics” as some would call it is prompted by my desi...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

UK Lending Industry: Out of the woods?

2009 was the year when risk management was thrust firmly onto the agenda for global banks and lenders. Looking forward to 2010, many banks are likely to be shifting their priorities in preparation for regulatory changes and the economic recovery. Looking ahead over the next months, actions that have an immediate effect on financial institutions’ bo...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Scoop of your own data on top?

A recent FTfm article reminds me of how the shift of power between funds and investors has turned the reporting function into an ice cream shop – any flavour, any size, whenever the customer wants. But what if your customers like their toppings instead of yours? I’m talking about the client’s own data. Many investors want to add their own data int...

/regulation Data Management 101

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

The risk revolution that we all forgot

When the, then, chairman of JP Morgan ask his risk department to "give me a daily report on our risk exposure" in the late 80s, little did he know that the bank would be responsbile for changing the way risk is measured and preceived across the industry. JP Morgan's RiskMetrics introduced Value-at-Risk, historical simulation, variance and...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Crimeware: Do It Yourself Criminal Hacking

For $400-$700 you too can be a criminal hacker. Phishing hacking and spoofing software has been around for a few years. Heres what may be an example. The ease and availability of this good for nothing other than crime software has made it easier, cheaper and more user friendly than ever to get into the cybercrime business. Anyone with moderate com...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Drawing internal buy in for improved Risk management

After my latest posts about risk management (identity management basics and getting the best out of your data) I was asked a great question I think about every day: it's great to have a methodology and a strategy, but how do you get other people in the organization (whether inside or outside of the risk management group) to agree and work with yo...

/payments /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Raoul Chiesa: UN Interregional Crime Research Inst.

In my quest to learn more about what makes a criminal hacker tick, I came across Mr Chiesa when he commented on a blog post I wrote “How I Wasted 4 Hours with a Criminal Hacker”. He warned me I was treading on dangerous ground due to the fact that when communicating with the blackhat, I used my real name and provided my web address. His concern wa...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile payments - a tale of princes, laws and treasures

In the previous post we've looked at mobile payments in a glance, why there's a huge chance today and what are the biggest challenges. In this post I will start diving deeper into them, and suggest a few ideas. There's a group of very talented guys I know, who used to work at this IT Company in Israel that was a part of the mobile industry. They ...

/payments /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

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