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4165 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Just Because We Can Do a Thing

As everyone who has ever watched or read a science fiction thriller knows; there is always an evil scientist somewhere in the background to blame. Frankenstein's monster destroys--blame Frankenstein. SkyNet becomes self-aware and launches Judgment Day. Now some of the scientists are evil by design while others become corrupted by power. As Jef...

/security /regulation Data Management 101

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Watching Out For Criminal Hacks

We use the web to search out tons of information, to shop online and to connect with friends and family. And in the process criminals are trying to whack us over the head and steal from us. And they’ve become very proficient at their craft while most computer users know enough about protecting themselves today as they did 15 years ago. Which equ

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Grand Jury: TSA Employee Stole Identities

A Lynn Massachusetts couple was accused of selling the identities of at least 16 Transportation Security Administration workers at Logan International Airport. Lynn was then and is now known as “Lynn Lynn the City of Sin, you don’t go out the way you come in.” Fox News reports “A federal grand jury accused the couple of stealing personal informa

/security /regulation

Roy McPherson

Roy McPherson 

Profligate or duty bound?

This week, and for many weeks, George Osborne will be taking steps to rein in unnecessary expenditure, halt future white elephant projects and seek ways to reduce the Brown/Blair legacy of £157 bn pounds deficit. The newspapers are talking up the prospect of cuts to the tune of £6bn a mere 3.82% of the overall sum. The previous Government should b...

/payments /regulation

Roy McPherson

Roy McPherson 

Greece; a slippery slope getting slippier

On the 6th May I blogged to say that I thought Greece could signal a bail out of the Euro and the more I read the more I think this will happen. Angela Mekel has seen the warning signs and believes the ban on short selling will stem the flow. Unfortunately this is the financial equivalent o...


Retired Member

Retired Member 


By trying to ring-fence the bond market Mrs Merkel's government has durably dented the world's confidence in Germany's and EU willingness to abide by principles of the free markets. Worse, this lack of understanding of market mechanisms may disrupt some important liquidity flows and unexpectedly dry out other markets. For a start, what does qualif...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Facebooks New and only Security Feature

So maybe you used a public PC to log into your Facebook account and you hit a button that saved your login credentials. Or maybe you received an email from what you thought was Facebook and you plugged in your username and password and got phished. Now someone other than you has your account information and they are logging in to torture you or

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Phishers Ties Up Victims Phones, Killing Notification

Many of today’s automated processes are designed with security and/or convenience in mind. For example, if a credit card companies’ anomaly detection software detects irregular spending on your credit card the software may freeze your account or call you to make sure you are in-fact the one making the charge. While this may help to secure you, i

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

10 Ways To Prevent Phishing

The Anti Phishing Working Group published a new report seeking to understand such trends by quantifying the scope of the global phishing problem, especially by examining domain name usage and phishing site uptimes. Phishing has always been attractive to criminals because it has low start-up costs and few barriers to entry. But by mid-2009, phis

/security /regulation

Gert Raeves

Gert Raeves Research Director at Adox Research Limited

If you are reading this, it means...

No B-movie or schlocky sitcom is complete without the "letter from the grave" plot device- in which the recently departed get to tell those who are left behind where the money (or the skeleton) is hidden. While ‘resolution and recovery plans' at least have reassuring alliterative potential, "living wills" is so much better. It ...

/regulation Data Management 101

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