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Just Because We Can Do a Thing

As everyone who has ever watched or read a science fiction thriller knows; there is always an evil scientist somewhere in the background to blame. Frankenstein's monster destroys--blame Frankenstein. SkyNet becomes self-aware and launches Judgment Day.  Now some of the scientists are evil by design while others become corrupted by power.  As Jeff Goldblum said in the 1st Jurassic Park: "Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."  Which is just how I feel about the possiblity that this scientist might have actually infected himself with a computer virus.  Because...why? 

What is the purpose of proving Mr. Scientist,  that some day someone could infect a person who has an implanted RFID chip? Or monitor your habits via implanted technology?  My either wanted to prove that you were smarter than the average bear or you wanted to make a statement about the potential for technology to control human life. I'm guessing the former. 

While this article contains random logic and a "News of the Weird", 1984 Big Brother quality, it's a good reminder that scientists, politicians and yes even bankers need to ask ourselves more often "if we should do a thing, just because we can".  After all, looking at the current debt crisis, the looming regulatory overhaul and the flash crash and subsequent stock market rollercoaster--the world seems to have a few too many "mad" scientists" and not enough common sense wisdom.   


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