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4165 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Basel III for risk management and operational efficiency

As the new UK coalition government struggles to get the economy under control, and others across Europe continue to brace themselves for the uncertain times ahead, the question of how to prevent a similar financial crisis occurring again in the future is at the top of the agenda for all stakeholders - both from the political groups and financial s...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What does it mean to be a Well Managed Bank? asked my son

In a blog I posted last week, ‘Lessons learned from the economic downturn’, you may recall my 14-year old son was asking if he could open his own bank account and with which bank he should deposit his hard earned pocket money. I want to provide you with a follow on posting to let you know how things are progressing or how they are not as the case m...

/regulation /retail Financial Supply Chain

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Lessons learned from the economic downturn

Over breakfast this morning my 14-year old son asked if he could have his own bank account and it really got me thinking as he also asked if his money would be safe! With the amount he has to deposit he is more than covered by the UK Bank Deposit Protection Scheme. Both my wife and I use different banks for different reasons so I offered him some ...

/regulation /retail Financial Supply Chain

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is there a Silver Bullet for Mobile Payments security?

Engineers tend to frown at marketing and BD, but creating leads or closing a deal is never easy. No matter where you are you want to be able to clearly articulate what is the customer’s pain point that you are solving. And you want your solution to be as straight forward as possible, too. If you resort to detailed tables and text you’re bound to

/payments /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A Crisis Needs a Utility?

I heard Francis Gross of the ECB speak at one of the panel events at the XTrakter Conference last week, and found that I couldn't avoid asking him whether the aims of the "Data Utility" initiative by the ECB could be better separated from the means by which the ECB proposes to solve them. At the moment, reference data issues for the ind...

/regulation /wholesale Data Management 101

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Banking, risk and payments - our industry in flux

I will be moderating the afternoon financial services session during IBM's UK Impact 2010 conference next June 8, 2010 in London. There will be a full day of financial services and technology discussion. In addition to presentations from IBM, UK Impacts 2010 will include speakers from Barclays, The Bathwick Group and Icon Solutions. The afternoon ...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Change the law to prevent company identity fraud?

In April this year, CIFAS – the UK’s Fraud Prevention Service reported that there had been a 20 per cent increase in the number of identity fraud victims in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the same period in 2009. There is however another form of identity fraud that is often overlooked, but that can cause considerable damage to those targeted...

/security /regulation Online Banking

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Mortgage Fraud and Identity

You don’t need to own a house to become a victim of mortgage fraud. Heck, you don’t even need to be older than 3 to be a victim. As long as the thief has a Social Security number, they can apply for loans in your name. Lexis-Nexis Mortgage Asset Research Institute in Chicago shows that the incidence of fraud in 2009 increased 7 percentage points o...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Beware of Facebook Dangers

Danger!! How’s that for a blog title that screams fear, uncertainty and doubt!? Fact is Facebook boast 400 million users and is in so many ways seems out of the control of its founder, and is looking dangerous. This is a company that has grown faster than fast and has a (very intelligent) 20 something CEO just out of puberty calling the shots. It ...

/security /regulation

Roy McPherson

Roy McPherson 

Charlie Croker

Seeing this story of the ham fisted attempt by thiefs in Germany who blew up a bank to get at an ATM, which survived, made me think of John Shepherd-Barron, the ATM inventor who passed away last week. I wonder if he's sitting on a cloud somewhere as amused as me? My first thoughts though, and probably that of every Brit who revelled in the 1969 fi...

/security /regulation

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