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4166 Results from /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

100 Million Facebook Profiles Published via P2P

Personal information on 100 million Facebook users has been scraped from the social media site and is being shared and download as a single file via what is called a Bittorrent. BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. Facebook takes on the issue is the data that was scraped wasn’t pri...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Identity Theft Targets Hispanic Community

Jose Marrero, who was born and lived his entire life in Puerto Rico, had no idea that someone else was using his name and Social Security number to charge thousands of dollars in Miami and Chicago. At least, not until the police showed up at his job to arrest him for car theft. Marrero told the Associated Press, “All of the information [on the wa...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Technology in Banking

Technology applications enhance efficiency and make it possible to adopt the principles mentioned above. Technology is rapidly advancing the ability for financial institutions to leverage a central data repository containing all customer data with STP capabilities, which can then be integrated with semi-automated workflows. Acquiring the appropri

/regulation Data Management 101

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Client Money Risk and the need for process transparency

The banking and financial service industry is under ever increasing scrutiny from the regulators. Under the microscope are the banking practices and procedures that affect virtually every area of the industry and every role. There is a regulatory expectation, and in many cases, a requirement to create transparency, prove controls and procedures a...

/regulation /sibos Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Language of Process

How does your organization describe business processes? Few organizations can claim that they do so in a language all employees understand. If your employees find business process descriptions can they be 100% confident that they are reading the current and approved version? In this blog Mike Gammage argues that process notation is now a strategi...

/regulation /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Risk in Spreadsheets - Control Required

A recent article reminds me why everyone loves spreadsheets – quick to create, easy to use, the ideal business tool. Although there is a snag - availability risk. Management’s inability to identify critical spreadsheets so that they can gain control over their use, is most concerning to auditors. Due to the preponderance of spreadsheets ...

/regulation /sibos

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What is that Facebook Friends Motivation

Sandra Appiah is a curvy lady who wants to friend me. She friended two of my buddies and apparently they accepted because they showed as “2 Friends in Common”. I never automatically friend anyone, so I contacted each bud and neither knew who she was. Go figure. What got my attention besides the fact that I don’t know her was that she had photos on...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Wolf is at the door - can he blow the bank down?

Last week saw me in New York, at what could prove to be a historic moment for both the US and potentially the world's financial markets, what with one of the widest sweeping shake-ups of US financial legislation since the Great Depression of the 1930s being signed into law. Now let me share how if we just followed the lessons learnt from our child...

/regulation /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

10 Ways to Prevent Social Media Scams

The trouble with social media revolves around identity theft, brand hijacking and privacy issues. The opportunity social media creates for criminals is to “friend” their potential victims in order to create a false sense of trust and use that against their victims in phishing or other scams. It was big news when someone had their Facebook account...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Why You Need to Pay Attention to Credit Card Statements

Despite what silly James Bond-esque credit card commercials may imply, credit card companies don’t really protect you to the degree you expect. If a credit card company detects irregular spending on your credit card, they may freeze your account or call to verify your identity. While these measures do help secure your card to an extent, but they c...

/security /regulation

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