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4168 Results from /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

More ATM Skimmers Being Used By Gangs

A report issued by the FTC finds that customers in the process of withdrawing cash from ATMs are more likely to be victims of ATM fraud than a direct, physical crime, and skimmer devices have recently been found on gas pumps and ATMs throughout Northern California. ATM skimming occurs when a device is placed on the face of an ATM, often over the s...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A New Dawn in the Age of the Hacker

What is casual fraud? It can be anything from fraud conducted on online shopping and auction websites – with products purchased but never received, and internal fraud by employees and employers, to online dating scams and the so-called ‘Sweetheart Fraud’ – a deception that refers to the collusion between an employee and a customer. And that’s n...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Regulation Ready

The principles mentioned in my previous posts and the urgency bank management may feel regarding their implementation is very much tied to the laws and governance culture under which the financial institution operates. In certain jurisdictions recently launched regulations may insist on tighter controls such as detailed reporting in accordance wi

/security /regulation Finance 2.0

Angus Stewart

Angus Stewart CEO at


It doesn’t matter who they are, or for whom they work – when an insider fraudster gets caught, it’s amazing how unsophisticated (yet alarmingly effective) the techniques they used to perpetrate their crime turn out to be! In recent days it has been the turn of the former financial director of the London Philharmonic Orchestra to make the headlines...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Internal Revenue Service Identity Theft Scams

There have been many articles written about scammers who pose as representatives of government agencies. But perhaps the most inventive are the scams that appear to originate from the IRS. It makes perfect sense for the IRS to reach out regarding your finances. And regardless of the season, the IRS is really always in business. I’ve never received...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Dealing with Online Harassment

I was watching Back to the Future II with a little person in my life and thought how funny it was that every time McFly was called a chicken he would accept the challenge and throw up his dukes. Maybe it’s funny to me because I’m kind of like McFly. When someone tosses out an insult or a challenge or baits me, my teeth come out and I’m ready for b...

/security /regulation

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

World Cup Data Breach at FIFA

Good old FIFA - in accordance with the EU Data Protection Act they should have deleted data pertaining to Ticket Sales from the 2006 World Cup in Germany shortly thereafter - but they didn't. A database containing the personal details of 250,000 football fans that purchased World Cup tickets through official FIFA-sanctioned outlets has been stole

/security /regulation Whatever...

Angus Stewart

Angus Stewart CEO at


Never mind the extra curricular activities of Wayne Rooney! I want to know when the commercial brains that run world football will get their house in order? This week, as well as hearing all about the Manchester United forward's alleged dalliances with fragrant young women, we’ve also been offered yet another tale of fans being ripped off – this t

/security /regulation

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Manchester Police lose Anti-Terror Secrets

The Daily Star reports that Manchester Police lost an Unencrypted & not Password-protected USB memory stick containing top secret anti-terror documents in the street outside their own Police Station. The memory stick contained a "Manual on Guidance of Keeping the Peace", more than 2,000 pages of highly-sensitive and confidential infor...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Beware HMRC Tax Rebate scam e-mails

Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) announced last week that 6 million people in the UK will be told they have paid the wrong amount of Income Tax, with other reports saying that 1.4 million will be told they owe an average of £1,400. Othr reports say that more than 10 million people may be in line for a Tax Refund. This wll lead to a fresh ...

/security /regulation Whatever...

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