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4169 Results from /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Supercookies: What Websites Know About You

Most major websites now install cookies on your computer, which track what you do online. Over time, these cookies develop a profile, which becomes your digital fingerprint, to a certain extent. You may have noticed after searching for a specific product, advertisements for that particular product or brand appearing on various other websites you v...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Does new regulation actually come too late?

When looking at the Greek and Irish Tragedies over the last couple of weeks and months, one thing that got me thinking is, could this have been prevented? Of course, the thought itself is brimmed with preposterousness. Dodgy accounts in Greece’s case and a banking system that crippled Ireland’s finances are formidable issues, make no mistake. Thos...


David Divitt

David Divitt Senior Fraud Product Manager at VocaLink

Not just another Manic Monday

According to Kelkoo - the online retail comparison website - and Visa Europe, Monday 29 November is the busiest online shopping day of the year. Visa Europe expects 3.8m purchases worth £265m to be made using Visa cards and Kelkoo says that online shoppers are expected to spend £537m on Christmas gifts today. These numbers demonstrate just how i...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Travel friendly remote trading

The image of the globe-trotting trader, dashing to the next team meeting in London, New York, Frankfurt or Shanghai is easy to imagine. But while the industry is more globalised than ever, the technology to support these on-the-move employees has been slow to catch up, until now. Much of the demand for dedicated mobile devices and software comes f...


Retired Member

Retired Member 


Ever clicked send on an email, and instantly regretted it? I think we’ve all been there – but perhaps not to the scale of one UBS employee this week, where a small error has created some rather significant repercussions. Yes, this is the story of a UBS employee who inadvertently sent an email containing financial details of the then client General...

/security /regulation Information Security

Andy Morris

Andy Morris Risk Business Solutions Consultant at ACI Worldwide

There's more than one victim here

It is worthwhile remembering that there is actually more than one victim involved in Direct Debit fraud. The Paying Bank executes the payment against a fraudulent direct debit mandate, and the Collecting Bank receives the fraudulent payment, whose customer provides goods and services - for simplicity let's assume they are in fact legitimate in the...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What Security Issues Should You Worry About?

First thing I tell my seminar attendees is “The chances of anything bad ever happening to you is very slim. So don’t worry about. However you should still put these systems in place.” Are you a helicopter parent? An “alarmist”? Or Chicken Little: The sky is falling, the sky is falling! I heard somewhere along the line that 90% of what we worry abou...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Basel III: The market is ready; the BCBS is still thinking

Following my last post in relation to the G20 summit in Seoul, I wanted to share some further thoughts, as it is clear that because of the diverse economic and regulatory environments in the G20, there is no “one size fits all” guideline for institutions trying to comply with Basel III. It is clear that many of the G20 countries will not wait fo


Retired Member

Retired Member 

People, Payments and Cars in the US of A

I have had a busy summer as having moved to the New York area with my family. Whilst we had to do a lot of preparation with going to the US embassy etc for visas, the move finally became "real" for me when all of the furniture in our house was removed for shipping to the US, and we ended up effectively camping in our own home for a few w...

/payments /regulation Data Management 101

Richard Chapman

Richard Chapman Head of Strategy at SunGard

BPO: Hiding Operations Under The Bed?

“Go and tidy your room or you won’t get any dessert!” I droop my shoulders and trudge off upstairs to set about the gargantuan task of bedroom tidying. It’s going to be tough. Its one thing to take the mess on the floor and across all available surfaces, but what on earth am I to do with it? For a start, not only will I need to rationalize all of ...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

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