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4169 Results from /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Mobile Phone Operating System Insecurity

As more online retailers introduce mobile ecommerce applications, criminal hackers are taking notice. Existing mobile operating systems are under attack and, like standard PC operating systems, they sometimes fail to provide the necessary security to support a payment application. Current research is primarily geared towards securing mobile paymen...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Phishers Using Holidays and Social Media to Target

Recent reports of “The Oak Ridge National Laboratory, home to one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, has been forced to shut down its email systems and all Internet access for employees since late last Friday, following a sophisticated cyberattack.” The sophisticated cyber attack was reported to be the lowly unsophisticated phishing ema...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Pickpockets, a Dying Breed

If there were a criminal hall of fame with an award for the coolest criminal, it would have to go to the pickpocket. Pickpockets are sneaky creatures who manage to function exactly one degree below the radar. Pickpockets whisper through society, undetected and undeterred. They are subtle and brazen at the same time. They are like bed bugs, crawling...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Mobile Banking Becoming an E-Commerce Staple

Mobile banking, m-banking, or SMS banking refers to online banking that occurs via mobile phone or PDA rather than a PC. The earliest mobile banking services were offered over SMS, but with the introduction of smartphones and Apple iOS, mobile banking is being offered primarily through applications as opposed to text messages or a mobile browser. ...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Hackers Go After Points, Credits, and Virtual Currency

In a previous post I discussed virtual currency, which is used to purchase virtual goods within a variety of online communities, including social networking websites, virtual worlds, and online gaming sites. These virtual dollars and virtual goods have real value. Virtual currency includes the points customers receive from retailers, merchants, a...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Mobile Payment Set to Dramatically Increase

Mobile payments generally involve three participants: the mobile device, the merchant, and a financial service provider or trusted third party. That trusted third party, or TTP, is an established, reputable fiduciary entity accepted by all parties to an agreement, deal, or transaction. A TTP authenticates and authorizes users in order to secure a p...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Five Mobile Operating System Options

There are a number of mobile operating systems, but five major players have floated to the top, dominating a major chunk of the market. It used to be that people chose their phone only by their carrier and what brands they offered. Today many choose their phone based on the manufacturer and its operating systems features. Symbian: 31% of all mobil...

/security /regulation

Gaurav Handa

Gaurav Handa Director Marketing at Oracle Financial Services

Aligning Risk and Finance, Enough Said Already?

With black swan events on the rise, how are financial institutions responding? Stress tests conducted by regulators on both sides of the pond have now moved from a onetime exercise to de rigueur events. Earthquakes in Asia, civil unrest in Middle East & North Africa, and greater economic uncertainty in the EU might not have been factored in


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Facebook Used To Stop Home Invasion

This is just the greatest story about social media used for doing good EVER. A University of Georgia student was in bed when masked men invaded his home and tied up his 17-year-old sister and his grandmother. The student wakes up and probably heard yelling and realized what was happening; apparently he didn’t have his phone so he took his laptop a...

/security /regulation

Duncan Ash

Duncan Ash Director of FS Market Development EMEA at Qliktech

Regulate the process, supervise the risk

The EBA’s announcement on stress testing methodology and scenarios left banks with more questions than answers, but following Andrea Enria’s announcement earlier this month, we now have a far clearer picture of what the next round of stress tests will look like. The tests will involve 90 banks (a longer and more varied list than last time) and the...


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