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4169 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Hacking - how easy is it?

Would it surprise you to learn that there are over 20,000 videos on YouTube alone that are devoted to hacking? And that the most popular of these video tutorials have millions of views? You may think that as long as you have up-to-date anti-virus software that you would be safe online, but these tutorials are designed to teach users how to hack num...

/security /regulation Online Banking

Gaurav Handa

Gaurav Handa Director Marketing at Oracle Financial Services

Get Ready for a Macroprudential Approach to Regulation

Fed seeks annual U.S. bank stress tests. In his recent address at the 47th Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, Chicago, Chairman Bernanke spoke of initiatives on both sides of the pond to implement a macroprudential approach to financial services supervision and regulation. The Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) and

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Happy trails to Cris Conde

Some of you may know I've been on the road the past few weeks. A big social media blog is coming soon. But I wanted to get in a few words about Cris Conde while the news is still fresh. I'd like to throw off my journalist hat for a moment and speak as a person. CEOs don't get a lot of love in this post-economic crisis age, but if there was ever a ...


Roy McPherson

Roy McPherson 

Aren't I the lucky one?

Funny what you find in your spam mail, this weeks mail has broadened my horizons to include penis enlargement treatment, a link to a young lady of dubious morals and, wait for the drum roll, a lady offering me a swift card. I'm so thrilled, I've been picked out with 99 other lucky souls to share in USD4,500,000 and to be given, gratis, a swift car...

/regulation SWIFT Matters

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Who will you pay for your LEI?

...because if you don’t get involved in the LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) process, you’ll get what you’re given and you’ll pay the price. And that won’t just affect financial institutions and trading – it will affect every company in the world and all of e-commerce, e-payments, and how much you have to pay for this and who you have to pay. Today ...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Scammers Spoof College Websites

Reed College’s entire website was recently copied and replicated, but with the fictitious name “University of Redwood.” The Wall Street Journal reports, “Officials at Reed suspect the site is part of a scheme to collect application fees from prospective students in Hong Kong and Asia.” Presumably, scammers could simply collect a fee and then issue...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Constraints For Core Banking Transformation in North America

The Legacy Systems.. The third wave of core banking transformation is on the threshold of North American banks. It has not moved in the desired pace as expected. The wind sits on the shoulder of the sails. The ship is still in the harbour. The world is waiting and watching with bated breath for something to happen. The core issue is the legacy sy...

/regulation /retail

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

4 Tips to Avoid bin Laden Scams

After Osama bin Ladens Death a flurry of internet scams hit the internet. Most notably scam emails with links to pictures, videos and phony Facebook messages with links to videos that don’t exist. When clicking these links your PC can be infected with a RAT which is a remote access Trojan and all your information may end up in the hands of a crimin...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Legal Entity Identifiers: An Emerging Risk Management System

Make room in the rulebook for the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Finextra reported Thursday that support for a “system to help regulators and industry participants monitor systemic risk” is growing. An LEI system would have many benefits -- the biggest of which is that it creates a universal system that helps financial services companies manage


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Most Unwanted Criminals Dumpster Divers Sly Spies

There is no shortage of bad guys, identity thieves, and hackers trying to separate you from your money. They range from previously discussed pickpockets, Trojan viruses, and ATM skimmers to dumpster divers, spies, and wireless hackers. Dumpster Diver Dan is a liar who poses as a garbage man and turns trash into cash. Dan dives into dumpsters and t...

/security /regulation

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