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4169 Results from /regulation

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Staff education essential to prevent data loss

The recent spate of high profile data losses aptly demonstrates the many ways in which data can go astray and reinforces the need to have every potential leakage point protected. Whether it is Wikileak-style insider activity, cyber-attacks from external hackers or careless unintentional loss of discs containing sensitive information, organisations...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A Perfect Storm of Commodity Regulation

The coming couple of years are going to be an interesting time for participants in the commodity markets as a “perfect storm” of regulation will hit them, above and beyond most of the other asset classes. In the US Dodd-Frank contains some significant requirements and in Europe a waterfall of regulation – EMIR, MAD, CRD, REMIT, MiFID2 and the Tra...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Do security standards make organizations vulnerable?

Do information security standards expose organizations to shared vulnerabilities? Why do data breaches occur with such frequency? Recent European Commission announcement on reporting of data security breaches is definitely not the first attempt to enforce security compliance it is more of an assurance to general public in the wake of recent data b...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Data Breaches Up, Lost Records Down

According to a recent report from Verizon, data breaches are on the rise. There were 760 data breaches recorded in 2010, compared to 140 breaches in 2009. However, there were approximately four million records stolen in 2010, as opposed to 144 million stolen in 2009. This means there were fewer large-scale data breaches compromised of multimillion...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Commodities on Finextra?

So why on earth should I be rambling on about commodities on a FinTech web site? Well I believe that commodity market are a core asset class now for our leading banks and will become increasingly so over the coming years: Morgan Stanley recently put up a list of its competitive strengths at a banking conference, commodities was at the top of the...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Financial institutions must plug insider leaks

The European Commission last week announced plans to widen the scope of current EU legislation for the protection of personal data to make it mandatory for all companies that store data on consumers to report data security breaches. If these proposals go through, banks that do not already have a thorough data protection policy in place could be hi...

/security /regulation

Angus Stewart

Angus Stewart CEO at


Possibly illegal, certainly immoral – Do insurance companies need to look again at their role in escalating premiums? The recent revelations by former Justice Secretary Jack Straw that he has been advised by senior executives within the car insurance industry that they receive “referral fees” from no win no fee personal accident legal firms is, in ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Surcharges Become Reality

The proposed surcharges I mentioned last week are on the books. The surcharges, between 1 percent and 2.5 percent of risk-adjusted assets, are meant to protect banks from themselves in the case of another financial crisis. "The surcharge comes on top of the worldwide Basel III minimum of 7 percent set last year for all banks," according ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Upgrading Circuit Breakers

Something is better than nothing, at least according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All of the nation’s exchanges may soon install a circuit breaker for each domestic stock, now that the SEC last week expanded measures to avert another flash crash. A trading algorithm run amok caused the flash crash, casting a dark and enduring ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

NATO persecution infiltration not working

It appears that someone took the side of the underdog when NATO somewhat foolishly chose poor words in a report where 'infiltration & persecution' were the recipe for hurt feelings. Besides the fact that 'persecution' is specifically prohibited by the UN, NATO, in a glaring show of their Freudian slip chose the wrong words, which resulted in t...

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