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4170 Results from /regulation

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Fear not the social media crowd

Well, I see the Facebook/Twitter hysteria is at fever pitch again. There's the concern around market events like the fake Sina Weibo post stating that Kim Jong Un had been assasinated, apparently corroborated by the evidence of a cavalcade of black limosuines arriving at the North Korean embassy in Beijing around the same time. This started in Chi...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Social Media Can Wreak Havoc on the Market

“North Korea’s biggest leader Kim Jung Un, this morning in Beijing time 2:45 a.m., had his residence broken into and was assassinated,” a social media message from China stated last week. “Vehicles are rapidly increasing in number ... this sort of battle formation hasn’t been seen in over two years.” This rumor, and at least one other like it, bla...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Draft FATCA regulations

Better late than never, I guess, but on the way to Dubai for a FATCA conference, where all the speaker's presentations were based on guidance notices, the IRS finally issued draft regulation on FATCA, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. This piece of regulation, has long been heralded as the largest piece of extra-territorial tax since the Brit...

/payments /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Do You Have A False Sense of Cybersecurity for Mobile?

Nearly three-quarters of Americans have never installed data protection applications or security software on their mobile devices to prevent data loss or defend against viruses and malware. 72% of us have unsecured smartphones, to be exact, even though we are using them more frequently in our digital lives. A recent survey shows that 44% of Americ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

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If They're Happy and They Tweet It, Buy the Stock

There’s nothing revolutionary about gauging consumer opinion, except when you use social media to help. Incorporating properly distilled data from the likes of Twitter and LinkedIn offers investors access to an exponentially broader slice of the population. Imagine going from a survey of hundreds or thousands of people to analyzing data volunteered...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Data Privacy Day 2012

Lately, it seems that barely a day goes by when we don’t learn about a major Internet presence taking steps to further erode users’ privacy. The companies with access to our data are tracking us in ways that make Big Brother look like a sweet little baby sister. Typically when we hear an outcry about privacy violations, these perceived violations ...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How To Steal A Car: Hack It!

No more jimmying doors with a Slim Jim, bricks through windows, extracting lock cylinders with a dent puller, or hot-wiring ignitions. Automobiles today are being built to include wireless capabilities that allow for remote unlock, remote start, and of course, there’s global positioning systems (GPS) and services like OnStar and ATX, which offer “...

/security /regulation

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Breaking up of the Euro contingency projects

Much to my surprise I found out recently that a large number of UK Banks have already been working on their plans for the eventual breakup of the Euro. As I understand it the banks are basing their plans around first one Euro State going, quickly followed by others, with various scenarios being played out. For example, a split, with the northern E...

/payments /regulation Post-Trade Forum

Retired Member

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2012 contradictions

The world bank has recently published their six monthly GEP report showing interesting contradictions in growth across various regions. In the Eurozone of course we are looking at a recession of 0.3%, although given the strength of France and particularly Germany, one wonders what this means for Greece, Spain and Portugal. US growth will accelerat...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Another one slips through the DLP net...

New York Fed contractor charged with stealing Treasury code – this story is yet another example of how organisations are failing to address the risk that ‘trusted insiders’ – in this case a contractor – can pose. In an age of terrorist hactivists, many organisations are rightly focusing their data security efforts on securing their systems from ‘e...

/security /regulation

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