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4170 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Risk-based Collections: Managing Existing Credit Lines

In Part I of my Risk-based Collections blog series, I described the differences between Judgmental and Statistical Scoring models. In part II, I will expand upon the specific uses of these models, in particular managing existing credit lines. For evaluating a request for additional credit or determining the collectability of an existing customer...

/regulation Treasury Management

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What Happens to Your Profile After You Die?

If you were hit by a bus, and passed on to whatever heaven might exist, would you care about your Facebook page? Probably not. But your loved ones more than likely would. Things like email, websites, and social media profiles are considered “digital assets,” which may have some monetary value, but for the most part offer sentimental value to the f...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are CCPs Increasing Risks? Part III

I've let the ball drop on blogging for the past few weeks, but have been thinking a lot about the issues. The Post Trade Forum debate on Are Clearing Houses Increasing Risk? will take place on Tuesday morning at the London Stock Exchange. I've just finished my key note presentation for the debate, and I'm afraid I come down on the side of incr...

/regulation Post-Trade Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Risk-based Collections: Judgmental Vs Statistical Models

Throughout the years I have worked in credit and collections, either doing credit analysis related to commercial lending decisions or identifying the elements that should be weighed when reviewing trade credit lines. I have seen many different scoring models used for many different purposes including judgmental scoring models that focus on the use...

/regulation Treasury Management

Andy Morris

Andy Morris Risk Business Solutions Consultant at ACI Worldwide

Shock and Awe - NFA Fraud indicator puts fraud at 73bn GBP

For those for you that have been tracking the NFA’s last estimate was £38.4bn, but the rise is really buried in the detail and largely attributed to the NFA casting their net on UK PLC a little wider and completing more granular analysis. There is also some interesting comparative finger point for example UK Government sector at £20.3bn, whilst U...

/payments /regulation

Manish Jain

Manish Jain industry principal at Infosys Ltd

Reputation Risk Management: The Way Ahead for Banks

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. - Warren Buffett Since the financial crisis, consumer trust surveys have invariably rated banks near the bottom. For service organizations like banks, reputation is the basic foundation of business. This intangible asset mani...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Flying on the Wings of Curiosity in the Sky of Prosperity

Flying on the Wings of Curiosity in the Sky of Prosperity… What Determines a Credit Bureau’s Success As published today by The National Association of Credit Managers, the Credit Manager’s Index is now at the highest level seen in over a year. The “New credit application” index has grown from 59.5 up to 60.4 this month. The global economy is recov...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sealing the cracks in the lending landscape

It is a time of clichés for banks as they currently find themselves caught in a Catch-22, stuck between a rock and a hard place. In the UK, government initiatives such as ‘Project Merlin’ have been put in place to encourage banks to lend more freely. At the same time, new regulations or initiatives such as Basel III, Recovery and Resolution plans a...


Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Muppets vs Goldman Sachs

It's not often I get to link to Funny or Die on Finextra (well never), but here is Goldman Sachs versus the Anti-Muppet Defamation League.

/regulation Whatever...

Martin Bailey

Martin Bailey Technology Product Director at Temenos

The numbers don't lie

Commander Edward John Smith had a reputation as a safe pair of hands. He had been a sailor for over 30 years and had been a captain for nearly a quarter of a century. He was decorated and saw service briefly in the Boer War. Whenever his company had a new high profile assignment, he was the natural choice. He ran his vessels like clockwork. Every ...

/security /regulation

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