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4170 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

I trust your passport, BUT ...

I recall a passionate debate in 2011 with some colleagues on if internationally trusted national passports (sometime in future) will be ever trusted by businesses to allow people access to their premises? Is such a scenario ever possible (as we move to digital passports and additional information on the chip)? More fundamentally, what does this in...

/security /regulation Business Knowledge for IT

Ronan Brennan

Ronan Brennan CTO at MoneyMate

On regulation: FATCA

So what the FATCA is FATCA? Well the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act to give it the full name treatment is in layman’s terms an attempt by the Internal Revenue Service in the US to stem the loss of tax revenue as a result of US tax citizens attempting to avoid tax liability through investment in foreign investment companies and funds. The IRS ...


Hans Tesselaar

Hans Tesselaar Executive Director at BIAN

SOA: the easy way to structure M and A

Merger and acquisition activity in European retail banking is reviving, with talks beginning between La Caixa, the Catalan savings bank, and its smaller competitor, Banca Cívica. These talks have been described as the ‘second wave of Spanish banking consolidation’, following the acquisition of Unnim, the nationalised savings bank, by BBVA, Spain’...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Social Media Job Shows The Changing Tide

So Goldman Sachs has been slow to embrace social media, is that surprising? Like every decision it’s a matter of weighing up the cost of mitigating the risk versus the benefit. And that’s what I think is interesting about this advertisement. Whilst the financial sector is quick to use technology that provides an immediate benefit, its instinct is t...

/regulation Social Banks

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Risks in shortening the settlement cycle

Years ago when the UK markets moved from T+5 to T+3 there was plenty of research about the benefits gained in risk reduction. There was doubt about the actual risk benefits because although there was obviously a reduction in possible default risk and market risks, there was a considerable increase in settlement failures and all the risks a...

/regulation Post-Trade Forum

Manish Jain

Manish Jain industry principal at Infosys Ltd

Customer Conversion -Reputation Risk for Banks?

Central Bank guidelines mandate banks in most countries to run their new customers through Know Your Customer (KYC) checks. However, this has its limitations as the checking is restricted to address, photo identification, income verification, credit history and risk classification. Banks need to look beyond mere KYC compliance and strengthen thei...

/regulation /retail Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Somebody is Watching Me

The last couple of weeks have seen UK newspapers filled with stories over UK Government plans to expand its monitoring activities to include email and social media. The two extreme ends of the point of view being it’s either the only way to stop criminal activity or one step away from a draconian privacy invasion something a kin to 1984. Neither e...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Business Security Measures to Prevent Fake Twitter Accounts

Hacking a business Twitter account seems to be a favorite pastime for those wanting some kind of retribution and for others it’s just plain fun. Once the businesses Twitter account is hacked their reputation is sullied making them look like they aren’t protecting their client’s data either. In the past year NBC, Fox News, USA Today and a CNN anch...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Watch Those Corporate Card Statements

Charges on corporate credit cards can often go unnoticed even when employees are submitting expense reports. Especially if the charges are small. The Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit describing a criminal enterprise responsible for “micro charges,” fraudulent charges ranging from 20 cents to $10, to as many as one million credit cards since...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Risk-based Collections: Credit Evaluation for New Applicants

In Part I of my Risk-based Collections blog series, I described the differences between Judgmental and Statistical Scoring models. In Part II, I discussed which scores are best for managing existing credit lines. In Part III, I will describe which scores are best for new application credit risk evaluation. One of the best uses of generic scores...

/regulation Treasury Management

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