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4139 Results from /regulation

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Simplifying Complexity: Trading Complex Order Books in Options - Part 2

Primary Challenges Traders seeking an edge in multi-leg options trades are relying on technology to navigate a complex market structure. One major challenge is that there is no linkage with regards to complex order books spread across seven US options exchange. Hence, it’s very important to scan all the exchanges to see what’s out there. In addit


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The need to develop a holistic collateral model

Against the backdrop of the ever-increasing importance of collateral from a trading, risk and capital management perspective, holistic management of collateral is rapidly becoming a necessity. The process changes needed to support holistic collateral optimisation and management will directly impact the organisational structure, systems infrastructu...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

How will invest firms send transaction reports to ARMs?

The Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM) approach used for Transaction Reporting in the UK has been unique across Europe. While MiFID I required investment firms to report equity transactions to regulators, the regulators themselves decided not to define a standard that firms should use for their reports. The additional workload that resulted for ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Blockchain Standards Can Fix FOMO and FUD

Introducing FOMO and FUD In venture capital parlance, FOMO and FUD are the equivalents of Calvin and Hobbes. FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out leads angels to invest, or overinvest in ventures with little future. A classic example from very recent memory is the $440 million investors have pumped into Therano, a blood testing startup that claims to t...


Iosif Itkin

Iosif Itkin CEO at Exactpro

The Next Generation of Testing Tools for Exchanges

The modern society expects quality and reliability from the modern exchange platforms. Thorough verification of exchange technology is not possible without adequate software testing tools. Understanding their evolution can help deliver rapidly evolving advanced exchange systems. Test automation tools allow simulating connected automated systems, r...

/regulation MiFID

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Simplifying Complexity: Trading Complex Order Books in Options Part I

The appetite for multi-leg options strategies is on the rise. But this also means capturing liquidity that is fragmented across multiple options exchanges. Complex orders or spread trades allow traders to simultaneously buy or sell a number of different options in what otherwise would require separate orders. “The vast majority [of complex orders] ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Slippage, compliance and CMU: who pays?

I’m at a regulatory roadshow in Frankfurt today, and one of the “big numbers” that has been mentioned is the total cost of the fines that have been charged against financial institutions in different jurisdictions. The number quoted for the USA is $60 billion. It has also been said that current estimates are that some 7% of the total cost of oper...


Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS

EUREKA .......EUREXA ...............EUCHEATA

The most shocking revelation of the V.W saga was that the regulators were either asleep or cheating in their duties and knew this since early 2014 . The very questioning of our regulators is now the order of the day ; as many times over the years traders have complained of their ability and education to provide fair and orderly markets . Eurex al...


Iosif Itkin

Iosif Itkin CEO at Exactpro

Innovation in Quality Assurance - What is the Impact on Trading Technology?

This post outlines some ideas on how particular changes in quality assurance might affect the trading technology. There are lots of discussions on Internet-of-Things, Cloud and Web. However, there are other things in software verification and they are a little bit closer to our area - exchange and brokerage platforms. These are some interesting Q...

/regulation MiFID

Keith Stanton

Keith Stanton International Product Manager (Fraud & Risk) at FIS

Old Fraud, New Techniques - Skimming has never gone away

Earlier this year, the European ATM Security Team (EAST) reported on a criminal gang that had been apprehended, who were known to use "Ghost Terminals"; a standard point of Sale (POS) terminal that had been modified to harvest card data (link to the article is here). With this particular incident these terminals were utilised in Taxi's,...

/payments /regulation

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