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4139 Results from /regulation

Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

A Compliance Officer will go to Jail in 2016

Regulation, regulation, regulation. In the property market there is a saying: “location is everything.” In capital markets in 2016 the saying will be: “regulation is everything.” The backlash from risky derivatives, the credit crisis, crooked high frequency trading (HFT), murky dark pools, insider trading and money laundering over the past few yea...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Not the time to take your foot off the gas!

2016 was meant to be a key year from a regulatory compliance standpoint. This perception was mostly driven by the timeline of MiFID II / MiFIR, the giant that dwarfs its predecessor in complexity and scope; the monster piece of regulation with tentacles reaching out to virtually every other major directive or regulation: The Market Abuse Directive...


Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

Capital Markets 2016 Facing Regulation, Data and Disruption

Capital markets are in a state of flux thanks to new regulations and disruptive competition from fintech, so 2016 will be the year that defines the way financial services companies can move forward. The new landscape means they have to get creative to address new competition while still remaining in compliance. Here are our predictions for 2016: ...


Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS


Navindar Sarao returns to court on thursday 4th February accused of triggering the May 6th 2010 flash crash . if you have time to look at above and perhaps you will realize that it was impossible for him to be guilty during this event . There were hardly any orders on the way down in the s&p's or later on t...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Innovating in the FCA's Sandbox

Ever since the FCA announced Project Innovate, I've been looking forward to seeing the opportunities that this would open up for financial services. For those of you who don’t know what this initiative is, here's a quick summary. Project Innovate was developed by the FCA to foster competition and growth in financial services. Its role is to by supp...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Best Execution FX: A Shifting Landscape

As European regulators eye the foreign exchange market, the onus is falling on buy- side firms to develop best execution standards and take more control over their trades, according to a recent industry conference In light of recent scandals involving currency-rate rigging, and the controversy over ‘last look’, where banks have the right to reject ...


Said Tabet

Said Tabet Senior Technology Strategist, CTO Office at Dell EMC

The Challenge of Implementing New Technologies

The majority of financial sector organisations have started to recognise the need to implement new technologies. In recent months big retail banks around the globe have publically adopted the next big innovation, Apple Pay; while a new generation of FS Tech start-ups are surging forwards to either make banks more robust and efficient, or put the i...


Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS


Trading exchanges by charging for data feeds have suddenly perched themselves above the radar and now serious questions need answering and perhaps addressing ? Recent years have questioned whether they have offered / given beneficial trading rights to certain members! Finally the gloves are coming off as their answers or lack of them are now be...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Japan... the land of the dwindling interest rate

The perceived wisdom of the economic press is that the bank of Japan’s move to apply negative interest rates against central bank reserves is designed to encourage banks to lend to businesses, rather than to retain cash within the central bank, in order to help kick-start the Japanese economy back into growth, after a long-term period of stagnati...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Senior Managers Regime - Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown

Never have the words of King Henry IV from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part II (“Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown”) seemed more apt than with the Senior Managers Regime (SMR). SMR comes into force on 7 March 2016, initially for UK banks (including incoming EEA and third country foreign branches), building societies, credit unions and PRA regu...


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