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4139 Results from /regulation

William Marle

William Marle Senior Consultant at Capco

What if your Apple Watch could talk to your bank?

Banks must refine and modernise their approach to data management to be effective in the era of the Quantified Self The world is undergoing a data revolution. We are in the midst of the Quantified Self and real time personal data and performance measurement. With smart devices we can now track our movements, monitor food intake and measure changes ...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

A Hard Look at Last Look in Foreign Exchange

The debate over ‘last look’ in foreign exchange trading has resurfaced in 2016 as regulators continue to eye the practice and investors worry about slippage and potential market abuse. Regulators are said to be scrutinizing FX dealing platforms that contain last look, a controversial practice that enables market makers to delay or reject trades fro...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Global Regulators Looking Past the CCO

1) Canadian Regulator: you “ought to have known” your traders where spoofing. 2) NY: Broker Dealer removes 2 from their supervisory role. 3) CFTC: Adds new Regulation Algorithmic Trading with new role of “AT Person” 4) FCA: Adds new new watch on senior managers 5) FINRA: Supervisor barred from supervising after case of market manipulation Globa...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Technology is Giving the UK’s Brokers a Break

The prevailing winds point to a strong year for the UK’s credit finance brokers in 2016. For example, in the secured loans market ‘completions’ rose by a whopping nine per cent in quarter three of 2015. However, despite this buoyant outlook most know that it isn’t going to be plain sailing all the way. In part, this soaring growth is down to a s...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Algorithmic Trading, Agile, and Continuous Delivery

The Agile development methodology and Continuous Delivery has delivered on many promises. We have all seen Faster development cycles Faster IT reaction times Better prioritization of business objectives Easier balancing of technical and business objectives Regulations New regulations, for example the Regulation Algorithmic Trading by the CFTC, h...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are you Ready for the E-Invoicing Wave?

Following the global economic downturn of 2008 and the consequent negative impact on public finances, governments globally intensified efforts to identify process and back office inefficiencies. A process that has driven a wide range of national and international initiatives to mandate compulsory ‘e-Invoicing’ automation across the public sector -...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Exchanges Seek Greater Autonomy

Exchanges are seeking greater profitability, and greater autonomy. No one begrudges them a profit. In the latest news on Bloomberg (Exchanges Object to Brokers Gaining More Stock-Market Oversight) this is demonstrated in the exchanges stating that "Only exchanges should be voting members on committees that govern..." Safety of our Mark...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Innovation in KYC and Client On-Boarding..

The growth in FinTech businesses, with an increased focus on financial innovation, was bound to provide a fairly large impact to a nascent industry where data and the maintenance of such is a key area of the financial world. Primarily this innovative area has been driving change within the payments space of retail banking, but we are seeing this t...

/regulation /inclusion

Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS


Last week I was asked who is in charge ? Massive fines but sadly no order of command ! Recently exchanges have been seeking more autonomy , greater profitability and therefore greater power ................. THEY have now stated that "only exchanges should be voting members in committees !" The last decade exchanges have moved ...


Tejasvi Addagada

Tejasvi Addagada Enterprise Data Head at Fortune 500 financial service provider

Are you late to Data driven Business model transformation?

Is your organization looking to transform its business model emphasizing Data Driven environment or Data Monetization as its primary driver? Does this call for a transformation of the current business, Information technology landscape while defining Data Governance strategy? Often we keep referring to hundreds of processes that are supported by th...


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