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4139 Results from /regulation

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A possible UK exit from the EU means less regulatory burden; or does it?

As we progress through 2016, the regulatory landscape is being shaped by many new or emerging initiatives. It is sometimes easy to forget that the initial start to all this was political, generally in reaction to the market crisis of the past. This summer sees a new date added to the regulatory calendar: 23 June 2016. This is the date that the UK ...

/regulation /wholesale

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THE FUTURE OF BANKING - and how to re-map it.

Most banks would admit familiarity with some or all of the following: (i) a large unwieldy mash-up of silo systems that may or may not talk to each other; (ii) complex, interacting business activities with unreliable reporting hierarchy, compromising ability to spot frauds, optimise RWA allocation and monitor risk positioning in a timely manner; (...


Retired Member

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Will the UK lose its right to issue ISINs?

With multiple exchange operators from overseas courting London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), and with the "Brexit" referendum coming in June, a topical question is - who will issue ISINs for the UK in the future? One reason for the question is that the UK itself has no right today to issue ISINs. LSEG has the sole right to issue ISINs f...


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Why Real-Time Archiving of Conversations is Essential for MiFID II

The deadline for enforcement may not be written in stone, but the countdown for MiFID II is on. As part of the new regulations, enterprises need to ensure that all records relating to client orders are archived. The emphasis now is on content, not channel and that means all communications, not just email but social media too, needs to be captured....

/regulation MiFID

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After previous posts on PSD2 timelines and the role of the EBA in determining its technical detail, the question has been asked who will define the open APIs which banks will be required to implement under the directive. The somewhat underwhelming answer is that we are not certain. Following its industry consultation, the EBA is off for a perio...

/regulation /retail

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Banks: whatever you’re doing isn’t clever and isn’t working. Now’s the time to own the balance sheet

There are many considerable challenges currently facing investment banks. Not least the tsunami of regulation (Basel 3, Dodd Frank, EMIR, MIFID I & II, FRTB, IFRS9, BCBS239, BCBS248, CRDIV, AIFMD, BSBC261, Leverage ratio etc), that have arrived since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, or that are due to be implemented over the next four years ...

/regulation /wholesale

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The EBA is name checked quite frequently when it comes to PSD2 but what is the EBA, what does it do and why is it so important when it comes to PSD2? Pan-EU Watchdog The European Banking Authority (EBA) celebrated its 5th anniversary last week. Born out of the banking crisis it replaced the much derided former regulator, the Committee of European B...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

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Benchmark Compliance: A Proactive Approach

Twenty years ago the term ‘benchmark’ was still a verb – a term which described the activity of relative performance measurement. Recent regulatory reforms following the 2012 Libor scandal have redefined the term to mean a ‘value’ which is referenced by an instrument, contract or performance measurement. Global regulators have embarked on a broad...


Retired Member

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Compliance regulations: unlocking the data that matters

Non-compliance incidents caused by people, system and technology failures are resulting banks incurring a series of ever-increasing fines. A recent Thomson Reuters infographic estimated that $235bn of fines have been imposed since 2008. The scale of oversight continues to grow with one US Senate Permanent Committee Anti Money Laundering investigati...


Retired Member

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Trade Spoofing: Crossing International Jurisdictions

On March 4, 2016 Japan’s Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission filed a recommendation against Blue Sky Capital Management for market manipulation. The complaint describes a classic case of #Spoofing. Reading the text of the complaint you will find out the following interesting facts: The trading happened in Japan. The complaint is aga...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

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