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4139 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

In true MiFID style

The European Commission (EC) has published the first in a series of highly anticipated delegated acts, defining some of the crucial details for MiFID II. Most relevant in yesterday’s document is the unbundling of research and execution fees, where the EC has largely followed the advice given by ESMA back in December 2014. In true MiFID II style, ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Questions raised over PSR decision regarding card schemes

The UK Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) has “after careful consideration” decided not to apply any new access or governance requirements on card payment system operators such as Visa or MasterCard (link). The news comes just weeks after both Visa and MasterCard posted impressive revenue and profit figures for 2015. MasterCard announced operating inc...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Clear and present danger?

There has been a lot of talk about how the LSE/DB1 merger might create a "too big to fail" clearing house. This seems to be missing the point somewhat as both LCH and Eurex Clearing are already too big to fail. Imagine the fallout if either of these were to go through some sort of disorderly meltdown – would the UK or German governments ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Empowering your employees to tackle Cyber Security

Cyber-crime is reportedly one of the fastest growing crimes out there, and the financial services sector is a natural target for exploitation. HSBC is one of the most recent examples of this; the banking giant experienced multiple breaches at the start of this year. These threats are predicted to become commonplace as denial of service (DDoS) att...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How do MARket participants justify surveillance spend in an era of cost cutting?

With MiFID II now confirmed and MAR just around the corner, leading surveillance platform provider Alerts4 Financial Markets examines the key questions facing financial institutions having to increase trade surveillance monitoring spend while reducing costs. Between €500 and €700 million – that's the estimated one-off compliance cost to be imposed ...


Sufyan Khan

Sufyan Khan Head of Pre Sales / Solution Consulting - Europe at Oracle

Laying a solid foundation for the IRB Approach in Turkey

Turkey’s Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) is moving ahead with plans to permit the use of the Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) Approach to credit risk. Having relied on the Standardized Approach for some time, many banks will be eager to reduce their capital requirements by moving to more risk-sensitive IRB models. However, in order t...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Anne Plested

Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets

So much to do, so little time

This week’s closing date for the ESMA consultation, which sets out amongst other things a non-exhaustive list of transaction reporting examples as Level 3 guidance, is a keen reminder of just how much there is to be done for MiFID II. This hefty document, published in December last year, is a crucial step that will allow the implementation to pic...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

A Tale of Two Pilots: Maker-Taker and the Tick Pilot

Senators conducting a hearing on U.S. equity market structure earlier this month vented their frustrations at the slow pace of regulatory change in equity market structure reforms. At the March 3 hearing, lawmakers repeatedly cited delays in developing the consolidated audit trail, or CAT system, for market-wide surveillance, questioning to what e...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Refining regulation: taking a top-down approach to data management

Given that for many Global Systematically Important banks (GSIBs) the initial deadline for BCBS239 compliance passed on 1st January 2016, it’s important that they and other financial institutions adopt a top-down approach to both ensure and maintain compliance. Banks need to ensure their regulation protocols can be applied to any data governance r...


Ganesh Srinivasan

Ganesh Srinivasan Director at Volante Technologies

Achieving Compliance Overcoming the Data Integration Challenges

The results of the Accenture 2016 Compliance Risk Study ( raise some important points to consider to my mind. The two specific action points suggested by Accenture that I found of particular interest are: The improvement in resource utilization on...

/regulation /wholesale

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