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4138 Results from /regulation

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Retired Member 

Too big to fail - EU banking structural reform

Given the ongoing uncertainties in the global economic environment, such as the slide in oil prices, credit expansion in the US and weakness in the Eurozone, some economists are predicting another market crash is likely. Therefore, the appetite for regulation and mitigation of risk amongst politicians looks unlikely to diminish and a major step in...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

A new perspective on the potential of data

I’m sure most people will agree that data as an asset is not a new idea. However, I can make a strong argument that regulation as an asset is. This is quite a simple idea: Data is the new currency. Regulation has encouraged us to record, archive and interpret data so closely that we can now gather enough information to create a valuable asset. By ...

/payments /regulation

Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor CEO at AccessPay

PSD2: move with the times or get out of the race

Heads up guys. PSD2 is coming to a payment screen near you. And for those who don't know about it, here’s a quick trailer. So, just what is it? In essence it's an overhaul of PSD1 (the Payment Services Directive), launched in 2007 to modernise and standardise how the payments system operates across the EU. The aim was to make cross-border payments...

/payments /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

On Your MAR, Get Set, Go!

Under Starter’s Orders: Market Abuse Regulation We are almost under starter’s orders for compliance with the new market abuse regulation (MAR), which comes into force in Europe on July 3rd. Enhancements to MAR across Europe strengthen rules against insider dealing and market manipulation, and add provisions to prevent and detect them. Most firms s...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

5 Ways to Overcome In-Country Data Privacy Compliance Hurdles

In my first blog, I explored how the data collection and sharing requirements of existing and new regulations such as KYC, AML and BCBS 239 are in direct conflict with data privacy rules that differ from country-to-country, creating a regulatory, data and operational challenge for financial institutions. In this blog, I attempt to explore potentia...


John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

What happened to prudent banking practice?

Recent events in the international payments world have highlighted yet again the confusion over SWIFT’s responsibilities in the payments chain. SWIFT was created to send payments instructions from a sender and a receiver. Over the past 40 years that basic role of SWIFT has not changed. SWIFT’s major contribution to the payments world was the work ...

/payments /regulation SWIFT Matters

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Future Success of Payment Service Initiators Dependent on Ability to Innovate with Data Protection

With adoption of the Payment Services Directive 2015/2366/EU (“PSD2”) and the transposition period underway, start-ups and large companies alike are looking for opportunities to break into the payment service provider market. One of these key possibilities is an existing, yet new, form of service: the payment service initiator. One major company t...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bumpy road ahead?

Interesting story in the FT today about IEX and its application to become a fully-fledged exchange. At issue is IEX’s so-called 'speed bump' that will slow down the HFT 'boy racers' and so make markets safer again. Naysayers claim that the inclusion of a speed bump is contrary to the rule that investors should have "immediate" access to ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

What’s the difference between see-through and look through?

Sometimes working with data can seem like an existentialist exercise. Are we thinking about data or are we thinking about the human condition? Sometimes it’s a little of both. Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defence had this to say about discovery and self improvement: “There are known unknowns... things that we know we don’t know. But ther...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Robust and Defensible

OVERVIEW In this post, we will consider how Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically Natural Language Generation, can ensure robust and defensible decision making processes that suffice regulatory scrutiny. IT'S NOT THE DECISION. IT'S THE PROCESS “Robust and Defensible” was a common theme at a recent JP Morgan conference that examined the challe...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

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