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313 Results from 2014, /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mexico Updates eAccounting focusing on Corporations for 2015

The Mexico SAT has doubled down on their eAccounting requirements with a focus on corporations. While 2014 data is no longer required, the core requirements are now more detailed. So while the go-live date has transitioned from January 25 to March 3rd, this doesn't mean you should delay your implementation. Key changes include: Reports are requ...

/regulation Electronic invoicing

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Last minute shopping in Europe

Imagine you are doing the last of your Christmas shopping – all that’s left to get is a large chunk of your favourite stock. Because you generally buy in bulk, you know to avoid the brightly lit but expensive retail stores, and instead shop at one of the big wholesalers. But, there’s a problem. Somebody has passed a law capping the amount that any...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Systematic Internaliser on a wire

MiFID II imposes simple categories on a complex trading landscape, such as on- and off-exchange, or multi-lateral vs. bi-lateral. Obviously having some rules helps unravel complexity, but too many kills innovation. Walking this tightrope is not easy. Internalisation comes in two flavours. Either you have an order from a customer, agree a fixed pric...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Streamline operations for compliance

Risk management has been transformed beyond recognition in the past few years. The regulatory wave unleashed by the 2008 financial crisis has created a need for a new layer of operations for implementations of these legal requirements. Most banks are already improving their operations by throwing teams at the ‘deep end’ of run-the-bank and change-...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Back in Block

On the way in this morning, I was listening to my favourite AC/DC album and thinking about the challenges of block trading. The problem is well known - a combination of multi-market trading, algos and DMA have created a vicious cycle that continues to shrink order sizes. This is compounded by regulators who insist that lit is better than dark and ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

PRA consults on further Solvency II reforms

The Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) has published a consultation paper on further measures for the implementation of Solvency II. With only a few months left before the official application of the new regime in the UK and across the EU, the regulator proposes new compliance rules on three critical aspects of the transposition of the Solvency...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Synchronising regulation

US securities industry regulator FINRA recently implemented new time-stamping rules, a topic also on ESMA’s MiFID II task list. FINRA requires US firms to express time in milliseconds when reporting trades to the FINRA facilities and order events to OATS, while ESMA’s proposal wants HFT firms to timestamp records to the nanosecond. That’s a whopp...


Amit Agrawal

Amit Agrawal NA at in transit

Risk Ratios

I thought let us talk about some of the rules and its impact on different regions Basel liquidity rule Covers : Banks worldwide What it does : Requires banks to hold enough cash or assets which can meet all debt coming due within 30 days. Impact : It ensures banks won’t run out of money even during any credit crisis. Thus forcing them to hold more ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Lu Zurawski

Lu Zurawski founder, iKnowMe at Lu Zurawski

Payment walls are crumbling - is it time for Payments EBRD?

Twenty-five years ago, the fall of the Berlin Wall saw the creation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Its mission was to find capital to help re-build national infrastructures mainly in the former Eastern Bloc countries. It invested in long-term projects that are tricky to finance, recognising that “well-planned infrastructu...

/payments /regulation

Anne Leslie-Bini

Anne Leslie-Bini CEO at Pikcio RegTech

Solvency II: Preparing for Pillar 3 success

Looking back at this time last year, there was still a pre-conceived idea that once Pillar 1 and the ORSA were under control, Pillar III of Solvency II would necessarily be plain-sailing. After all, it is just reporting – how hard can it be? The unpalatable reality is: very hard. Not only are firms required to submit far more data than under previo...


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