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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

All eyes on ECB’s stress test results: More questions than answers?

Anticipation is rising ahead of the results of the latest ECB stress tests on European banks, due on 29 July. The results will determine whether the banks have sufficient capital buffers to withstand theoretical adverse swings in asset prices, interest rates and other macro-economic variables. But, are these eagerly-awaited results going to produc...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

5 Point Plan for CRS Implementation

In this blog I outline a 5-point plan for achieving full CRS compliance efficiently and effectively. 1. Identify CRS Reportable Population The first step to determining CRS Reporting obligations is to identify the reportable population of clients. To do this, financial institutions must identify entity classification for CRS purposes to determi...


Graham Seel

Graham Seel Principal Consultant at BankTech Consulting

What Every FinTech CEO Should Know About Risk Management

A FinTech CEO who doesn’t understand risk management is at a crushing disadvantage. Why? Banking at its core IS the business of managing risk. Banks don’t just have to be risk-aware. They are in the business of managing risk on other people’s behalf – that’s the primary reason they exist. Banks look after our deposits, ensuring they don’t get lost...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Anne Plested

Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets

No summer break for MiFID II

You may have noticed that the MiFID II Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) continue to roll off the press at a steady pace signalling finalisation of the Level 2 detail. Last week alone seven RTS documents were adopted by the European Commission, including the long-debated RTS 2 on non-equity transparency and also an RTS on registration of third...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Chief digital officers can bring innovation, but the company has to get behind their ideas

The number of companies employing a chief digital officer (CDO) to drive their technological development is soaring, and the financial services sector is getting in on the act. With a real understanding of both technology and emerging consumer trends, this new breed of executive may finally bring true digital innovation to the industry – but even ...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SWIFT Warning Must Be Heeded

Cyber fraud losses make headlines on a regular basis – the latest target on display for all. While these reports may often be viewed as extreme, worst-case scenarios, the case of SWIFT’s recent warning to its participating financial institutions and corporate user group members has helped to highlight the importance organisations need to place on ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

RegTech - The Rising New Flavour of FinTech Innovation

A highly trending and often-heard topic in the financial world is FinTech. And not surprisingly, since the very concept is based on employing disruptive technology to the challenges of the financial world, often considered as having the conventional way of doing things. While there is no denying its popularity amongst all and sundry, a recent offs...

/regulation Fintech innovation and startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Time to get ready for MiFID II now: who faces the biggest challenge?

The second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) is one of the most far-reaching changes to financial market regulation yet. According to HM Treasury, estimates from 2015 for compliance costs for MiFID ranged between €512 million - €732 million and with ongoing costs of between €312 million – €586 million, it affects almost all fi...


David Andrzejek

David Andrzejek VP Vertical Solutions at Datastax

PSD2 could finally disrupt financial services

The financial services industry has arguably the most ground to make up to modernise its digital offering. As such, IT directors will have already saved the date of the EU’s open banking directive, otherwise known as PSD2, which will introduce clear guidelines for financial institutions to use application programming interfaces (APIs) to advance p...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The New Rules of Pen Testing

In the past, penetration testing was a fancy name for breaking through a network firewall. However, as technology advances and breaches become even more dangerous – costing an average of £2.53 million, according to research sponsored by IBM – security executives need to revisit pen testing to make sure it is an ongoing practice in their defense ars...

/security /regulation

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