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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Facebook thwarts Admiral but is the use of social media data inevitable?

Where a data gap exists, social media and other alternative data sources can open the door to previously excluded potential customers. How realistic is it to close the door on its use? Earlier this month, Facebook blocked Admiral car insurance’s plans to use young drivers’ posts and ‘likes’ to influence their insurance quotes. The Facebook user wo...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Algo Development and Ethics

At the forefront of Regulation AT has been a discussion on CFTC access to source code. That issue has been fought with strong opinions on both side of the argument. Regardless of any regulations, what are the ethical constraints that we in the electronic trading community should hold ourselves to? What rules should we apply to our activities even ...

/regulation MiFID

Charmaine Oak

Charmaine Oak Co-Founder/Director at Shift Thought Ltd

Openness versus Certainty of regulations - What is more enabling?

Both openness and certainty are important to establishing what is termed as an “enabling” financial services(FS) regulatory environment. Firstly, what is an enabling regulatory environment? Just as plants would struggle to grow and survive without the right soil, climate and care, businesses too require the right mix to grow and thrive. For familie...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

I'm afraid of Americans

It’s always cool when two different things come together to make you think. That’s exactly what happened on my commute this morning as I listened to David Bowie’s much-underrated album, Earthling. Just as I read another piece about the US election, my ears were treated to the classic track "I’m afraid of Americans". I will leave you to l...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

What Happens When RegTech Becomes De-RegTech?

President-elect Trump’s victory has been called everything from black-swan to white-lash. He is a question mark, especially with regard to financial institutions (FI) policies. Trump’s advisors are a blend of conservatives and populists. He may roll back banking regulation, as he promised to do with Dodd-Frank because it created unjust burdens o...


Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

10 things a CEO should know about testing payments before it goes wrong

We were talking in the office recently about the pressure CEOs face when things go wrong. If a payment system falls over, and it hits the headlines, it can have a devastating impact on the business. As a results, we thought it would be useful to list the top ten things that CEOs need to know about payment testing – and here they are: Software tes...

/payments /regulation

Gerard Hergenroeder

Gerard Hergenroeder Retired IBMer and Banking Executive at Payments Shark

The repeal of Dodd-Frank will create a flury of innovation in the U.S.

Dodd-Frank legislation created a heavy compliance burden for financial insititutions. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on compliance and fines. Most banks' IT budgets today have a ton of compliance projects. Some banks are spending 35% to 50% of their IT budget on compliance alone. Aside from the IT spend for compliance the number o...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Always on, always prepared: the cyber security questions FS organisations need to ask

Financial institutions continue to grapple with the ever increasing complexities of cyber security. As online services across all channels grow, so does the security risk. The underlying questions are - how do organisations modernise the legacy platforms that were not designed for the open, connected world of today’s demanding consumer base, and p...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Bank of England - SONIA Reforms

The Bank of England (BoE) has recently published a consultation paper on reforming the Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) benchmark. It had conducted a similar exercise, albeit exploratory, as a public consultation in Q3-Q4 of 2015 with the objective of monitoring the sterling overnight money market and reforming the SONIA benchmark. The out...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Are Sleeping Beauties in CE Europe Ready for PSD2 and GDPR Count Down?

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new banking charter protecting personal data and will have a legal impact all entities trading with European citizens from May 2018. Banking Advanced Authentication – support strong and risk authentication needs with technology implementation from the leading vendor, Banking API Management and ...

/security /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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