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4138 Results from /regulation

Anne Leslie-Bini

Anne Leslie-Bini CEO at Pikcio RegTech

RegTech: when the whole is greater than the sum of the parts

When the year 2008 is mentioned, it is generally associated with the untimely demise of Lehman Brothers and the ensuing financial chaos that engulfed the global economy and rocked it to its very core. Yet, for all the economic damage that the financial crisis is credited with causing, the year 2008 in fact marked the genesis of a societal phenomen...

/regulation /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Not all tails wag the dog

Modern atomic clocks tick along much more consistently than the earth manages to rotate around its own axis, which varies due to climatic and geological events. Thus, every so often the global masters of time insert a leap-second in order to align atomic clocks and earth rotation. Unlike changes in winter/summer-time, humans don’t really notice it...


Retired Member

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CME Requires Guarantees on Trades

The CME Group just amended rule 574 stating: “All connections to the Globex system, including direct connections of non-clearing members or customers, must be guaranteed by a clearing member that assumes financial responsibility for all activity through the connection. With respect to transactions given up to other clearing members, such guarantee...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Pharma Transaction Laundering Deemed Money Laundering By Courts

A new form of online fraud called transaction laundering (TL) is infecting the medical, pharmaceutical, and financial payment infrastructures. TL is a new way to launder money on the internet, when legitimate merchants process payments, typically using a credit or debit card, on behalf of another merchant. However, credit card brand associations c...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

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Tesla Inc., arguably the world's most innovative company, isn't that innovative after all.

A Lesson in Innovation It’s nearly impossible to discuss the topic of innovation without evoking the name of Tesla Inc. Tesla, which topped Forbes 2015 and 2016 Most Innovative Companies Lists, is widely hailed as the leader in sustainable transport and has a market cap upward of $41 Billion. But, with all of the talk around innovation, original i...

/payments /regulation

Sufyan Khan

Sufyan Khan Head of Pre Sales / Solution Consulting - Europe at Oracle

UK Stress Testing: Putting stress to the test

In October 2015, the BOE of England (BOE) published details of the 2016 Stress Test Scenario, which formed the basis of the stress tests that were conducted in 2016 to assess the resilience of the UK banking system. Last year’s exercise has been revised and represents the BOE’s first “annual cyclical scenario” (ACS). It models substantial deterior...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

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2017 the year of software measurement and visibility?

When we managers review our team’s performance, it’s our responsibility to follow a fair and objective process that uses quantitative data to ensure objectivity. IT in the financial services industry works differently. Ironically, given most financial services firms these days are essentially, software firms, the IT applications development & m...


Retired Member

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Angst Over the EBA’s PSD2 Two-Factor Authentication Directive

The convenience and speed of online shopping and banking in Europe are said to be under threat by proposed standards from the European Banking Authority (EBA) due to be released in January of 2017. The new rules, issued in response to requirements in the Payment Services Directive, will require “strong customer authentication” for all electronic p...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

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Why all banks will follow Deutsche Bank and ban insecure messaging apps

WhatsApp is a data security and compliance nightmare for banks. I get why so many people use it in business. It’s immediate, conveys a sense of urgency and you see when someone’s read your message (so they feel obliged to respond). None of that is true of email. But it’s a real headache. People think it’s secure – and in some ways I can see why th...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Welcome to RegTech: the age of disrupting the status quo is here

On Tuesday 31st January at a crowded event near Canary Wharf, a select group of RegTech innovators, accelerators and venture capitalists came together to discuss this emerging market. Attendees heard four expert speakers explore the challenges and opportunities. But first, some background. -- Financial market participants had to acknowledge some h...

/regulation /startups Financial Services Regulation

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