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4138 Results from /regulation

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

MiFID II Regulations to Impact U.S. Asset Managers

North American broker-dealers and asset managers domiciled in the U.S. are watching their European counterparts gear up for compliance with MiFID II. But will MiFID II affect U.S. broker-dealers and asset managers based in the U.S.? Could the massive regulation that requires asset managers to unbundle research payments from executions, and quantify...

/regulation MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Will PSD2 impose a Mandatory Dedicated Interface?

By Arturo Gonzaléz Mac Dowell, On February 13th 2017 the EBA published its final draft on Regulatory Technical Standards on strong customer authentication and secure communication under PSD2 The official status of the document is "Final draft adopted by the EBA and submitted to the European Commission". What's going to happen next? The s...

/regulation /retail Online Banking

Retired Member

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Does the EBA’s risk based approach to Strong Customer Authentication destroy frictionless payments?

There has been a flurry of excitement since the publication of the EBA’s draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on 23rd February 2017. While there is much to consider within its 153 pages, the focus of this blog is on Article 16 and the new Transaction Risk Analysis approach to exempting transactions from Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)....

/payments /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

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Establishing a Payment Institution in Lithuania

Given the possibility of the upcoming UK's withdrawal from the EU, Lithuania has offered an interesting proposal for licensing of payment institution. The Lithuanian regulator proposes to issue payment licenses under accelerated program to all claiming companies already having similar licenses in the UK. With such kind of insurance in case of Brexi...

/payments /regulation

Stuart Lacey

Stuart Lacey Founder at Trunomi

GDPR, PSD2 & ePrivacy: New Regulations Will Drive Financial Services Innovation

Few people associate regulation with innovation. For some, its seen as a necessary evil to protect consumer rights and fight fraud. For others, it’s a straitjacket that can reduce operational agility. Much has been said about the opportunity to enhance the customer experience by strengthening individual data rights under the General Data Protectio...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Accountability and Cultural Change for MiFID II Compliance

With less than a year to go until the application of MiFID II, it is becoming increasingly clear that cultural change is being pursued by the financial regulators as a pressure mechanism to achieve systemic compliance. A characteristic example is that of W H Ireland Limited who, in February 2016, was fined by the FCA for failing to take reasonable ...

/regulation MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Seven cyber security predictions for 2017

The face of cyber security is changing constantly, and 2017 will be no exception. Here are seven cyber predictions and trends that we’ve seen emerging in 2017 and will gain in importance as the year progresses and beyond. 1) Businesses handling EU citizens’ data will be concerned about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The regulation, whic...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The real impact of the Vault 7 CIA data leak

The leak of almost 9,000 documents detailing hacking and surveillance techniques used by the CIA is shocking, but not for the reasons many people think. Reading that your Smart TV or mobile phone could be monitoring what you say in your own house is alarming, but the real issue isn’t that the CIA spies on people. It’s not even that they do it thr...

/security /regulation Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

That was then and this is now. The fast moving landscape of banking technology

In the last eight years the amount of banking regulation has increased exponentially and the cost of compliance has gone up proportionately. The financial landscape with regards to customer needs and technology has also moved on, so what opportunities are waiting over the horizon? The financial crash seems like a lifetime ago, yet in a few short y...


Bhavesh Vaghela

Bhavesh Vaghela SVP B2B Product and Innovation at Collinson

Business Transformation - Is PSD2 and Open Banking friend or foe for banks?

Waiting at the departure gate at Heathrow Terminal 2, dressed as an eskimo as I didn't trust the weather reports for Hamburg! The question I started to explore: Is Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2) and Open Banking friend or foe for banks? There are 2 key players influencing change, the European Banking Authority (EBA) who have issued PSD2 and f...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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