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4138 Results from /regulation

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It’s not just borrowers who benefit from improved application processes

Research by Equifax has found that consumers want the process of applying for financial products online to be quicker. People want an immediate decision on loans, and a decision within a day on bigger commitments. This presents lenders with a problem. If the two big financial scandals of recent years - PPI and mortgage mis-selling - have taught t...

/payments /regulation

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A division of labour for SIs?

The current debate between ESMA, the European Commission and market participants on the establishment of networks of systematic internalisers (SIs) is unsurprising given the amount of regulatory change and the potential for market innovation. Last week ESMA expanded on what’s behind its thinking on the topic in its most recent Q&A. ESMA’s o...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Remote Identification of Customers for European Payment Institutions. Part 2

Part 1 by the link (internal link Finally, there is the third option. It seems to be the easiest and most rational and entails no extra expenses if the customer identification aspect is taken into consideration right away. In spite of the fact that the basic legislation is the same for all European countries, it is just the foundat...

/payments /regulation

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AnaCredit has taken data to a new level of scrutiny

The years following the financial crisis have seen a considerable increase in the amount of data that regulators demand from market participants, as they attempt to better understand developments in the market and identify risks. In order to respond to this challenge, the governing council of the European Central Bank (ECB) approved a new statisti...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Next Steps in Bond Trading: All-to-All Matching Catching on?

Corporate bond trading platforms are in the news again. Platforms that have launched innovative all-to-all trading protocols are attracting buy-side firms to their venues. Despite skepticism a few years ago that all-to-all platforms wouldn’t attract liquidity, platforms like MarketAxess with Open Trading and Liquidnet’s have gained traction on the...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

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Remote Identification of Customers for European Payment Institutions. Part 1

By Andrey Borisenkov, CDO ADVAPAY When choosing the jurisdiction for future payment business it is necessary to consider a large number of different aspects: these are license cost, license acquisition time, office costs and salary of employees in the licensing country (requirements of each regulator provide for at least one staffed operating off...

/payments /regulation

Shriyanka Hore

Shriyanka Hore MD, Market Infrastructures and Standards Services at Swift

Who pays off the Technical Debt for Fintech Startups ?

'Technical Debt' - Making sense of the Metaphor In 1992 Ward Cunningham - the man who created the first Wiki coined a metaphor called 'Technical Debt' . The term later went on to be called 'Code Debt' and sometimes 'Design Debt' . Extremely revered in software engineering circles , Cunningham was seen as a pioneer for design patterns and extreme ...

/regulation /startups Banking Architecture

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RegTech: Here to Stay?

RegTech has grown from a niche, fledgling subset of the FinTech ecosystem to one of its most promising and exciting areas. RegTech, or ‘Regulatory Technology’, is a term used to describe the current generation of companies focusing on innovation in compliance, similar to how ‘FinTech’ companies such as MarketInvoice, Funding Circle, and TransferWi...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Maryse Gordon

Maryse Gordon North American Business Development and Pre-Sales at UnaVista, London Stock Exchange Group

Looking Forward To Retirement: Managing Duplicate Reporting Under CAT

The SEC’s Rule 613, which created the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT), is estimated to be the world’s biggest data repository for options and equity trade related data, collecting thousands of terabytes of data a year from U.S. self-regulatory Organizations (SROs)s and Broker Dealers. One question that has been raised is whether any existing report...


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Retired Member 

Machine Learning Could be Your Bank’s Next Data Scientist

Good Help is so Hard to Come by After All As of the writing of this article, the popular recruiting site returned 1745 search results for the query “Data Scientist Financial Services” (If you’re in data science, hang with us for a second before you scurry over there). Google returns pages upon pages of results when prompted to find the ...

/payments /regulation Financial Risk Management

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