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4138 Results from /regulation

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Vendor risk management is all about the pre-plan

Supply chain failures compromise the ability of an organisation to operate effectively and in extreme circumstances even to survive. Yet many businesses struggle to mitigate the risk of such failures due to poor vendor risk management: research from CIPS suggests fewer than half of procurement professionals consistently put strategies in place to ...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

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Japan Tightens Regulations on High Frequency Trading: 3 FINTECH Needs

Japan’s FSA (Financial Services Agency) is looking to implement tighter regulations on High Frequency Trading (HFT) as soon as 2018. Reuters states that “The growing presence of HFT on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has raised concerns high-speed trading could destabilise markets and leave retail investors at a disadvantage.“* This is an interesti...

/regulation Fintech

Stacey Small

Stacey Small Business Development at The Glue

PSD2 is fast approaching. Don’t bury your head in the sand

The PSD2 deadline is just seven months away, and we all know just how quickly time flies. Market feedback suggests that many financial institutions are still in the ‘reflection’ phase. So far, this year we have seen the EBA (European Banking Authority) publish the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) and com...

/regulation EBAday

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The same, only different?

For MiFID II to work, the industry must have a clear understanding of what constitutes a single instrument. For cash products such as equity or debt this is straightforward, but in derivatives the concept of a single instrument isn’t really appropriate and things quickly get complicated. Looking ahead, it’s feasible that an OTF or SI offers tradin...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Assess: Why Cloud?

Major changes have occurred within the asset management industry since 2008. Regulatory change and lower profits have forced asset managers to take a closer look at their operational efficiency. However, they have also resulted in asset managers leveraging a wider range of products in search of alpha. Trying to grow client and product base, while ...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Options Market Structure: Fragmented Reality

Some experts are debating whether the complexity of the listed U.S. options market structure is hurting liquidity providers and driving some market makers out of the business. Options market makers are navigating a fragmented liquidity landscape, rising technology costs, and an arms race around high speed trading. Some electronic market makers, lik...


Retired Member

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Robotics and AML: Enhancing, Not Replacing, Your Analysts

The robots are coming, the robots are coming! Everywhere you look, you see whitepapers and discussions about robotics and its use in AML and compliance generally. And rightfully so, this is definitely going to be a boon to the industry in allowing for more efficiency, consistency, and effectiveness. The problem with all the content and hype is tha...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

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Automation and AI key to future bank profitability

More and more bankers are suffering sleepless nights over spiralling, often out of control, costs and declining, or even disappearing, margins... And if they aren't, they should be. If they don't do something about it soon, they are going to go out of business. It is now widely accepted that banks' post-trade operations are clumsy, incoherent, over...

/regulation Post-Trade Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The far reaches of reporting

Trade and transaction reporting rules under MiFID and EMIR can easily be confused, even though they have different requirements, different formats and, most importantly, different scopes. To recap, MiFID trade reporting is a short message to the public, intraday, for the purpose of price discovery; transaction reporting is a long message to the reg...


Retired Member

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RegTech and KYC

RegTech & KYC: Over-selling, under-delivering…Is this creating more risk in the market? In recent years, the banking industry has been inundated with regulation. From AML, to EMIR, Dodd-Frank, MiFID II, to FATCA & CRS and enforcement, the volume of new regulation has been unprecedented. One of the most significant side-effects of this is th...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

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