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4138 Results from /regulation

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Your client onboarding is bad, fix it.

In a world where everything has gone digital, and according to a statement made back in 2011, by the highly successful entrepreneur and investor, Marc Andreessen - "Software is eating the world" Why do people want to fill out a form with a pen? Over the past 6-12 months I have onboarded/opened accounts with the following products/services...

/regulation Digital Banking Trends

Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2 and the Secure vs Insecure Staircase Debate

A few years after Bautista closed his business I casually met him in a cafe nearby the Town Hall. After saying hello to him and asking how were things going (not very well, I must say) we started talking about his business and why he had closed it down. He said that he did not understand why the Town Hall passed a law to promote competition in fin

/payments /regulation Online Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2 Regulation Will Bring Down the Walls, Not Build Them

The Payments Services Directive 2 (PSD2) is shaking up the industry, and for good reason. There is sometimes a tendency for the payments ecosystem to expect doom and gloom when it comes to new regulation; seeing it as restrictive, unnecessary interference, or costly. The reality is that PSD2, along with other regulatory changes across Europe and t...

/payments /regulation Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Online Payments-the Blind Spot in the AML Regime

As the volume and market share of online payments explodes, are AML efforts keeping pace? The volume of online payments is skyrocketing. Worldwide, retail ecommerce sales reached $1.915 trillion in 2016 – nearly a 24% growth rate over 2015. This number is expected to continue to grow in 2017. eMarketer estimates that online retail now accounts for...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2 and the Elevator vs Staircase Paradox

I live in a town called Villa Arriba (uphill town in Spanish), which is very close to Villa Abajo (downhill town). Although they are close, they communicate through intricate mountain roads and there is not much business between both. Although in the recent crisis many banks merged, there are still plenty of them in Villa Arriba. However, there see...

/payments /regulation Online Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What is the future of Know Your Customer?

When GDPR comes into effect in May 2018, financial institutions are going to feel the impact of this legislation throughout their entire business model, including how they execute and manage Know Your Customer (KYC) processes. At the moment, we accept that if we want to open a bank account, or get insurance, we have to submit a passport or birth ce...

/security /regulation

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Riding the Wave: Speed, Algos and Consolidation

A wave of consolidation has hit high-speed trading firms and brokers in the past few months, and many are blaming low volatility and weak trading volumes in the face of rising compliance and market data costs. Starting with electronic market-maker Virtu’s acquisition of rival KCG in April, Two Sigma Securities buying options market-marker Timber Hi...


Darren Thomas

Darren Thomas MD at IHS Markit

Are You Prepared for MiFID II Outreach and Repapering?

With the clock counting down to MiFID II compliance, impacted dealers and other financial institutions are steamrolling ahead to prepare. Regulatory change management leads within these firms face multiple workstreams in managing the path to becoming compliant with the wide-encompassing Directive. In managing timelines to adherence, dealers shoul...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Nanda Kumar

Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions

Are APIs the new goldmine for banks?

The Post API World The future of banking is being completely altered by the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) which comes into play in January 2018. PSD2 opens the floodgates to financial services innovation. Instead of making banking more complex, PSD2 is forcing banks to open up their systems of record to third parties, including non-traditio...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Want to Stay Ahead of the GDPR? Utilize Biometrics

The soon to be enacted General Data Protection Regulation – better known as GDPR – has been a cause for concern for many financial institutions. Although it represents good news for consumers by strengthening their data privacy, for financial organizations all over the world, it has imposed quite the challenge. Those who do not comply with the new...


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