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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Compliance: Overcome the data deficit

The technology requirements to analyse large data sets have never been more in demand in Financial Services. In 2017 financial institutions are creating vast swathes of data far beyond what we saw just a decade ago. However, it’s not just data volume that makes powerful data analysis such an important consideration, its regulation. Financial Servi...

/security /regulation Data Protection Act Issues

Retired Member

Retired Member 

BI and Analytics - A New Perspective

It has been said, and we will say it again, that ‘data is the new oil.’ Volumes of data, and the number of channels through which that data flows are exploding. In 2016, we created more data than the previous 5,000 years of existence at about 2.5 quintillion bytes (that’s about 10 million Blu-ray discs) per day. And with the proliferation of data ...

/regulation /retail Financial Risk Management

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

MiFID II Transparency Puts Stress on Data Architecture

With only four months to go until the MiFID II’s Jan. 3, 2018 implementation date, buy-side firms are facing huge changes in disclosure and transparency requirements, which could upend their data management architectures. Participants on a webinar hosted by A-Team focused on MiFID II: Data for Transparency, said that firms are wrestling with the ch...

/regulation MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A fraud perspective on PSD2

PSD2 is currently the hot topic in the payments industry in Europe. One of the main changes is the creation of new payment actors: Third Party Providers (TPP). We will witness several non-banking entities enter the payments space as TPPs, for example social media platforms and other Fintechs. In a digital world where about 50% of buying decisions...

/payments /regulation

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Regulations is the biggest Knowledge Management opportunity for Chatbots

Perhaps it is time to change the way we look at regulations in context to Knowledge Management. The primary benefit of regulations is to protect the interests of individuals, organisations, society and the economy. Let’s start from the perspective that imperfection is the norm and at least 80% of regulations are aligned to generate benefits for ...

/ai /regulation Fintech innovation and startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What do prominent P2P players think of the RBI regulations?

Following the US and UK models, RBI is all set to jump on the bandwagon of regulating the P2P space with strict guidelines. The norms being finalised are expected to release in a few weeks, how are the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms faring? What is their stance on this? Will the stringent norms curb the innovation? Instead of speculating we...

/regulation /startups Fintech

James Smith

James Smith MD at Dsruptiv Ltd

500 days of tumbleweed - why is the FCA ignoring small businesses?

It has now been 500 days since the consultation period closed on 18 March 2016 for FCA Discussion Paper DP15/7 "Our approach to SMEs as users of financial services." At present, the provision of financial services to small businesses in the UK is largely unregulated. In many cases, firms can't even appeal to an ombudsman if they have been...

/regulation /retail Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why the banking model could break the UK economy. Part Two.

In Part One I wrote about the problem with the UK banking model and why it undermines the UK economy. In summary, banks need to lend to make their current account model work; this helps a lot of people, but for a huge swathe society it can be less beneficial, encouraging a debt mentality and a debt spiral that many will never escape, nor repay. In...

/regulation /retail Disruption in Retail Banking

Jan-Willem Van Capelle

Jan-Willem Van Capelle Financial Consultant at Drebbel

MiFID II: regulatory burden or a driver for innovative change?

Today, MiFID II is undoubtedly the main point of focus for financial services providers. Coming into force on January the 3rd 2018, every MiFID responsible compliance officer or project manager is supposed to be finalizing necessary organizational changes, and will soon be implementing regulatory tools that are required to become compliant. Both t...

/regulation MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

GDPR may Clog Data Pipeline

If data is the “new oil,” could GDPR be a blockage in the pipeline? Admit it, phrases and jargon are so overused in our industry that they become annoying. The latest one is “data is the new oil.” It is not. I say that as a former oil market journalist. Here’s why: Data is not a natural resource Data can’t be drilled for or fracked Data has ne...


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