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4138 Results from /regulation

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Conduct Risk is now an epidemic and is appearing in far too many places. It is time to deal with it.

In its simplest form, conduct risk is when an organisation’s stakeholder’s behaviour leads to unwanted behaviour or crimes, either detected or not, and detrimentally damages an organisation’s or sector’s reputation, negatively impacting market stability and potentially damaging innocent individuals. Stakeholders include employees, customers, suppl...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Ajay Katara

Ajay Katara Risk Consultant at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd

TRIMing the RWA’s

Ensuring comparability among Banks is coming out as a key theme from the BIS (Banks for international settlement) .Many new proposed guidelines on Pillar III Disclosures, Standardized approach for credit risk etc. are focusing on bringing about changes in methodologies, calculations and reporting disclosures to achieve the comparability goal. Th

/regulation Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Instant trade reconstruction is a challenge!

In regulated environments it’s imperative to invest now to future proof your business – the requirement for transaction reconstruction is not trivial and we suggest a systematic & proactive approach is superior to an ‘as and when’ attitude. Currently, trade reconstruction is a lot like Humpty Dumpty when he fell off the wall. Despite best inte

/regulation MiFID

Colin Harper

Colin Harper Business Consultant at HPS Ltd

GDPR: 100 days and counting - are you really ready?

Many banks have been working hard to ensure they are in a position to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European driven regulation but with global reach. GDPR has a broad scope for protecting personal data, far reaching consequences for extra-territoriality and the potential to hit firms with punitive fines for breaches ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II: don’t let compliance slow you down

2018 is being marked as ‘the year of regulation’, with new legal requirements affecting a number of industries. In addition to the upcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline, the financial services sector has already seen two major regulations come into effect – one of which is the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II ...

/regulation Fintech

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

How can Blockchain Help with AML KYC

BlockChain For AML/KYC How Blockchain Enhances Regulatory Reporting Financial institutions are racing to invest in technology that allows real-time reporting to adhere to regulatory rules set out by various agencies and The Federal Reserve Bank. This process includes compiling, tracking, and storing massive amounts of data to be parsed out and rep...

/regulation Business Knowledge for IT

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Regulating cryptocurrencies: walking the tightrope

Long-time regulators world-wide took a wait-and-see attitude towards the non-regulated markets for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. But that is changing rapidly. With the growing popularity of the crypto market, the large number of unregulated cryptocurrencies (more than 1300, greater attention is now being paid by Governments and other stakeholders ...


Vaibhav Grover

Vaibhav Grover Senior Director at Sutherland

Responsible Lending Guidelines- Threat or Opportunity for Banks?

What is 'responsible lending' all about? In Australia, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has issued regulatory guidelines that makes it mandatory for the lenders to assess and make sure that a credit facility extended to a customer is 'not unsuitable' for them and customer is able to 'service' the credit extended by the lende...

/regulation /retail Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Brexit: Over-cooked, over-done and perhaps not the main course

Over the past few months; most of us have been trying to make sense of the actual state of affairs that will occur due to Brexit. We have used our regulatory know how to dissect the legal parts, look at the state of affairs in the market and the various reports from official and un-official sources. The obvious conclusion to draw is that aside fro...


Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Transparency in processes at Holistic level and Data Governance can help FIs meet MIFID II requireme

Data Governance Policies Need To Be Updated MiFID II is a new exhaustive financial regulation being implemented in Europe as of January 3rd. However, the sweeping legislation won’t only impact European banks. Even U.S. financial institutions are grappling with the changes as they race to implement the necessary changes globally. Also, current U.S. ...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

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