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4138 Results from /regulation

Henri Wajsblat

Henri Wajsblat Financial Services Expert at Anaplan

Mapping your journey to IFRS17 compliance

The International Financial Reporting Standard 17 standard (IFRS17) is not just another regulation – it will fundamentally change the way that insurers can and will operate around the world. At its core, IFRS17 will create an international, uniform view of insurers’ reporting of financial statements. Where previously each regional market disclosed...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The rise of SupTech: a win-win for financial market regulation

Over the past 10 years since the financial crisis, there has been a seismic shift in the regulatory landscape affecting all financial services firms. In order to avoid another meltdown, new rules and regulations have been created, and regulators have become increasingly more vigilant at policing compliance with the myriad of new rules. More recent...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Throwing money at cyber security solutions is a false economy

Recent research has found that the financial services industry is the sector most heavily investing in cybersecurity solutions, increasing investment 85% compared to last year. With daily headlines of breaches and the demands of the GDPR this investment might be unsurprising. The financial services industry is under immense pressure to keep data...

/security /regulation Information Security

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Why do Customer Identification Programs Fail in AML?

How CIPs Fail to Uphold AML and BSA Customer Identification Programs (CIPs) were put in place to reduce identity fraud for individuals and banks, but these programs fall short in complying to various Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) regulations and their requirements due to a number of reasons. Banks, savings associations, cr...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Shirish Netke

Shirish Netke President at Amberoon

RegTech: Systems of Insight to Guide AML

On the same day that the prosecution rested its case against Paul Manafort, the U.S. Attorney’s office in Tucson, AZ got a seven-year sentence against a fraudster for a money-laundering scheme; a former Microsoft employee was sentenced to 18 months after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering; a messy FBI sting involving money l...

/ai /regulation Banking Regulations

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Conversation-as-a-Service: knowledge economies of scale

Conversation-as-a-Service enables an individual to benefit from contextual knowledge expressed directly to them. The individual controls the dialogue through the options they select, which can be enriched, if needed, through contextual explanations in the form of further dialogue, pictures and videos. This revolution in interaction is slowly gaini...

/ai /regulation Business Knowledge for IT

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Data Platform) at DBS Bank

Idea of Audit in AI age

Audit has always been a support function for banks that has served as the last line of defence for keeping the organisation safe from external attacks and provide assurance to business & stakeholders about the safely of the business from any malicious attempt to harm the data or assets of the business. With all companies virtually converting i...

/ai /regulation Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Brie Lam

Brie Lam Regulatory Compliance Consulant at Independent

Brexit and the Buyside: When Your Counterparty Wants to Novate

OTC derivatives market participants are receiving a growing number of requests from their dealers to novate swaps from a one entity to another within the same dealer group. Many of these requests are borne out of regulatory necessity, particularly ring-fencing rules coming into force for large dealers in the UK beginning on 1st January 2019 in co...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

Eran Noam

Eran Noam Vice President Global Sales & Business Development at Shield FC

Capturing Communications isn’t Compliance

It is six months since the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid II) came in to force and two months since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which means you are probably feeling the effect of regulation exhaustion. It is undoubtedly a long and tiring road to get to a stage where you can say, with confidence, that the organ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Buy Side Juggles Efficiency and Workflow in Search for Bond Liquidity

Corporate bond investors are seeking operational efficiencies on their fixed income trading desks to lower costs. As the search for bond liquidity across a fragmented credit trading marketplace remains a priority,-side firms are grappling with two distinct workflows – voice-based and electronic – in the $8 trillion corporate bond market. A new re...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

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